This repo contains the documentation of Psychrometric Instrument which was created for the assigment of the course of Design of Agricultural Processing Machine hosted by Prof. 김기석 (Ghiseok Kim), Dept of Biosystems Engineering, CALS-SNU. The team members are:
- Xianghui Xin (신상우)
- 문동주
- 선동현
- Description
- How to Use
- Hardware Design
- Software Design
- Hardware Parts List
- Acknowledgement
- References
node server.js
brew services restart nginx
cloudflared tunnel run psychrometric-chart
The following lists contain the link to buy (Coupang).
Server is running on port 3000
Serial port opened successfully
Raw data received: Dry Bulb Sensor Address: 28616434CDA6C550
Raw data received: Wet Bulb Sensor Address: 286164348C3691B3
Raw data received: --- New Reading ---
Raw data received: Requesting temperatures...
Raw data received: Raw Readings - Dry: 22.19°C, Wet: 13.94°C
Raw data received: Calculated Values:
Raw data received: Relative Humidity: 39.41%
Raw data received: Absolute Humidity: 0.00657 kg/kg
Raw data received: Dew Point: 7.75°C
Raw data received: Partial Pressure: 1054.49 Pa
Raw data received: Specific Volume: 0.846 m³/kg
Raw data received: Enthalpy: 39.01 kJ/kg
Raw data received: 22.19,13.94,0.3941,7.75,0.00657,1054.49,0.846,39.01
Processed data: {
type: 'data',
dryBulb: 22.19,
wetBulb: 13.94,
relativeHumidity: 39.41,
dewPoint: 7.75,
absoluteHumidity: 0.00657,
partialPressure: 1054.49,
specificVolume: 0.846,
enthalpy: 39.01,
timestamp: '2024-11-05T01:17:38.914Z'
This project was funded by Prof. Ghiseok Kim from Lab of Physical Properties and Process Engineering of Agricultural Products (SNUPHEL).