- How to use this scripts to train new Classifier model.
- How to make serving after training new model.
- How to generate all of its necessary library automatically.
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""" TRAIN CLASSIFIER MODEL """""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Step 1: Insert data for training and testing model. All of both files must follow the defined structures: [\t]. For example, traing file may contains serveral samples like:
__label__very_nagative fuck you __label__postitive happy ...
Step 2: Training model using script. Please read all the defined arguments in this script for more detail.
Step 3: After finishing training, trained model (we called old model) can be loaded and used for predicting by using OldModel class in We also defined some useful function for continue training with given new dataset. Please read examples in this script for more detail
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""" SERVING SAVED MODEL """""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Step 1: Run script to copy all necessary materials to new defined folder which is used for serving. Example:
""" python --new_path='/home/hoaivan/Desktop/TestHelloCookieCutter1/test' --saved_model_name='sentiment_standard_standford_full_fine_attention_2603' """
Note that: <new_path> includes new folder path, <saved_model_name> includes name of folder containing model.ckpt file, often it appears in saved_model folder. One important thing: after copying, we should take a look at and change its best_model_path variable to path of new saved_model_name.
Step 2: In the new folder, we can do: 1. predict for given sentence, 2. continue training. For both purposes, code examples were made and stored in But, firstly we need to start server, run:
""" celery -A at_classifier_server worker --loglevel=info -Q at_sentiment -c 2 """
In this example above, at_sentiment is name of queue in Celery (we should remember it to use later for client). 2 is the number of concurrence instances.
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""" GENERATING REQUIREMENT """""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Step1: cd to this folder, then run command: """ pipreqs . """