Privatebin-cli is Javascript Command Line tool and a Client Library to interact with privatebin (
npm install -g @pixelfactory/privatebin
$ privatebin send --help
Usage: privatebin send [options] <text>
Send a text to privatebin
-e, --expire <string> paste expire time [5min, 10min, 1hour, 1day, 1week, 1month, 1year, never] (default: "1week")
--burnafterreading burn after reading (default: false)
--opendiscussion open discussion (default: false)
--compression <string> use compression [zlib, none] (default: "zlib")
--textformat <string> text format [plaintext, markdown] for the input
-p, --password prompt for password (default: false)
-u, --url <string> privateBin host (default: "")
-o, --output <string> output format [text, json, yaml] (default: "text")
-h, --help display help for command
$ privatebin send -e 5min -o json "Hello World"
"pasteId": "ccd05227e7bab99c",
"pasteURL": "",
"deleteURL": ""
Or use pipe
$ echo 'Hello World' | privatebin send -e 5min
pasteId: 649aa8c062d4ed4d
... or send a file with pipe to your own instance
cat | privatebin send --url -o json -e 5min
$ privatebin get --help
Usage: privatebin get [options] <pasteUrl>
get a message from privatebin
-h, --help display help for command
$ privatebin get ""
Hello World
npm install @pixelfactory/privatebin
import { PrivatebinClient } from '@pixelfactory/privatebin';
import { encode } from 'bs58';
const urlPrivatebin = ''
const privatebin = new PrivatebinClient(urlPrivatebin);
const key = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(32));
const msg = 'Hello World!';
const opts = {
textformat: 'plaintext',
expire: '5min',
burnafterreading: 0,
opendiscussion: 0,
output: 'text',
compression: 'zlib',
const paste = privatebin.sendText(msg, key, opts);
console.log(urlPrivatebin + paste.url + '#' + encode(key))