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Zowe z/OSMF Test of Performance

oclif Version CircleCI DeepScan grade Downloads/week License


The purpose of this CLI tool is to generate workload for z/OSMF that is typical for Zowe CLI use cases. It is configurable, you can specify number of users, duration, and size of the data used during the tests.

The resource consumption on z/OS is not measured by this tool, you need to measure it on z/OS

  • all z/OSMF (IZU*) address space, CIM server, and all TSO sessions created for the test users.

Design document:


  • Node.js 12 and above on any platform (Linux, Windows, z/OS)


  1. Initialize empty NPM project:

    mkdir zztop
    cd zztop
    npm init -y
  2. Install package from NPM:

    npm i @zowedev/zztop

    Or you can clone this repository and run npm install in it.

    This installs Zowe CLI too locally in the repository.

  3. Create Zowe profiles for each user ID that will be used for testing:


    npx zowe profiles create zosmf-profile zzow01-zowep --host --port 10443 --user userid --pass "passwd" --reject-unauthorized false --overwrite

    Set the host and port to the values of the tested z/OSMF instance. Use a different profile name instead of zzow01-zowep for each user.

  4. Create test definition file test.json - example:

      "name": "basic",
      "fileSize": "10k",
      "memberSize": "10k",
      "jobOutputSize": "10k",
      "duration": "5m",
      "commandDelay": "1s",
      "scriptDelay": "15s",
      "concurrentUsers": 10,
      "zosmfProfiles": ["zzow01-zowep"],
      "dsnSecondSegment": "ZZTOP",
      "unixDir": "/zaas1/zowep/zztop",
      "accountCode": "00000000",
      "jobCard": [
        "//$jobname JOB 000000000,'ZZTOP',MSGCLASS=A,CLASS=A,",
        "//  MSGLEVEL=(1,1),REGION=0M",
        "/*JOBPARM SYSAFF=*"

    Optionally, you can add selectedTestNames field which lists the subset of tests that will be executed:

    "selectedTestNames": [

    Use same profile names as in the step #2. Their number can be lower than the number of concurrent users. Provide valid values for jobCard, dsnSecondSegment and unixDir.

    You can start with a short duration and lower number of concurrentUsers and then you can increase it e.g. 1 hour and try to maximum amount of users.

    Available time unit types are:

    • nanoseconds (ns)
    • microseconds (μs)
    • milliseconds (ms)
    • seconds (s, sec)
    • minutes (m, min)
    • hours (h, hr)
    • days (d)
    • weeks (w, wk)
    • months
    • years (y, yr)
  5. Run it:

    npx @zowedev/zztop test.json

    If you want to capture all debugging messages:

    npx @zowedev/zztop --logLevel debug test.json
  6. Capture zztop.log log file.

  7. Capture the z/OSMF log (see below)

  8. Capture peformance data from RMF or using Zowe Metrics Server

Capturing z/OSMF Logs

You need to login as user that has read access to /var/zosmf/data/logs or make them readable for your user ID by issuing these commands (only on server without sensitive data):

chmod a+rx /var/zosmf
chmod a+rx /var/zosmf/data
chmod -R a+rx /var/zosmf/data/logs

Then you can run on z/OS:

export JAVA_HOME="/sys/java64bt/v8r0m0/usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64"
$JAVA_HOME/bin/jar cvfM /var/zosmf/data/logs/*.log /var/zosmf/data/logs/zosmfServer/logs/

And download it:

zowe zos-files download uss-file <path>/ --binary --zosmf-profile <profile-to-zosmf-system>

Installing on z/OS

It has been tested with version 12.18.0 that has been installed following instructions in Installing Node.js 12 on z/OS.

This is sample profile that sets the expected environment variables:

export NODE_DIR={node_dir}
export PATH=${NODE_DIR}/node-v12.18.0-os390-s390x/bin/:$PATH

The JSON files need to be tagged. If you have created JSON file in EBCDIC then it needs to be tagged by:

chtag -t -c IBM-1047 test.json

If it is in ASCII then you need:

chtag -t -c ISO8859-1 test.json