macOS cross compiler toolchains
Proofs and exercises from "Elements of Programming" by Stepanov (author of C++ STL) and McJones
Postmodern immutable and persistent data structures for C++ — value semantics at scale
The Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, in org-mode.
Swiss Army knife for arbitrarily structured binary files
Zenko CloudServer, an open-source Node.js implementation of the Amazon S3 protocol on the front-end and backend storage capabilities to multiple clouds, including Azure and Google.
Original Apollo 11 Guidance Computer (AGC) source code for the command and lunar modules.
GulBroz / keepassx
Forked from keepassx/keepassxKeePassX is a cross platform port of the windows application “Keepass Password Safe”.
Performance analysis tools based on Linux perf_events (aka perf) and ftrace
MATE Desktop Environment, a non-intuitive and unattractive desktop for users, using traditional computing desktop metaphor. Also known as the GNOME2 fork.
SDK for creating new Vendor Storage Modules for Mezeo