Getting the excel file through GUI, then searching for the specific keyword and mailing to the respective email address. Automated by python.
Installing Dependencies:
- Open Terminal/CMD
- Open Terminal or CMD, then Type
pip install -r <path to the software requirements.txt>
Example:pip install -r c://Users/Downloads/Excel_Email_Automation/requirements.txt
Important Steps to Setup Email Automation:
- Goto Google Less Secure Apps and toggle the Less Secure Apps to allow python to send the emails for you.
- Setup your email address and password as your environment variables to maintain your privacy.
- In your Excel File, make sure that the heading of column 'email' is in lowercase ('email').
- Make a Mail Body in notepad before running the software. It will ask for mail body during the execution.
Dont Delete Any Files.. IT MAY CRASH THE SOFTWARE!
Start The Software Using AutomateEmail.exe File!
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