- The Idea: 60% of the world doesn't have Internet, but 80% do have phones. Take advantage of existing resources to transmit critical information.
- Goal: To provide medical advice without Internet.
- How it works: Call our system with any phone, speak your symptoms, and the system will determine your diagnosis and suggest treatment.
- Set up a phone number on Twilio.com to use with the application
- Download What's Up Doc
- Install dependencies
- Start ngrok server one: ./ngrok http 3000
- Start ngrok server two: ./ngrok http 4567
- Navigate to rails-app folder and run: rails server
- Navigate back up to parent directory and start ruby application: ruby test.rb
- Navigate to the phone number you set up on Twilio at: https://www.twilio.com/user/account/phone-numbers/
- Under the Voice category, enter the ngrok server two URL into Request URL and change HTTP POST to HTTP GET
- Ruby
- Rails
- Sinatra
- Twilio-ruby helper library
- Python
- Pip
- Ngrok