This is a flash algorithm template for writing CMSIS-Pack flash algorithms in Rust.
It can be used to generate new flash algoritms for usage with probe-rs
Run the following requirements:
cargo install cargo-generate cargo-binutils target-gen
rustup component add llvm-tools-preview
cargo generate gh:probe-rs/flash-algorithm-template
cargo generate gh:probe-rs/flash-algorithm-template --name=algorithm \
-d target-arch=thumbv7em-none-eabi \
-d ram-start-address=0x20000000 \
-d ram-size=0x4000 \
-d flash-start-address=0x0 \
-d flash-size=0x40000
to generate a new project from the template.
Just run cargo run
. It spits out the flash algo in the probe-rs YAML format and downloads it onto a target and makes a test run.
You will also be able to see RTT messages.
You can find the generated YAML in target/definition.yaml
This thingy is licensed under either of
Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE or
MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or
at your option.