Download a zip matching your Ghidra version from releases and install it from File > Install extensions...
- Supports LE/LX files in various formats:
- OS/2 LX-Style
- MSDOS DOS/16 LE-Style
- MSDOS DOS/4 LE-Style
- DOS32A sb.exe unbound LE/LX-Style
- Windows Virtual Device Driver (VxD)
- Full page-map and fixup (relocation) support
- Completely typed executable headers (and other image data) with comments
Optionally, various options can be specified individually for each file:
- Manually override the object base addresses and segment selectors (good for syncing with a debugger / DOSBox)
- Map various image data to an overlay:
- Map MZ Header
- Map LX Header
- Map LX Loader Section
- Map LX Fixup Section (fully typed!)
- Map LX Data Section (i.e. the unmodified page data)
- Create labels for each fixup in memory
- Create labels for each page beginning in memory
- Log fixup statistics / Log individual fixup types
- F1 Manager Professional (F1.exe - DOS/4GW LE):
- The Elder Scrolls Redguard (RGFX.exe - DOS/4GW LE):
- X-Com: Apocalypse (UFO2P.EXE - DOS/16 LE and unbound LE-style)
- Various files compiled with Open Watcom (DOS32A LE)
- Random VxD files
The loader can be instructed to manually override the base addresses and selectors of the executable's objects. I use this to feed Ghidra the same memory layout and segment selectors as I find in the dosbox debugger. In return I can use the same addresses found in Ghidra to set breakpoints in the debugger etc.
To override the base addresses, just enter a comma-seperated list of hex values into the field:
The loader will adjust the locations (and fixups!) accordingly:
If you got any feedback, please don't hesitate to open a ticket. Even if you are just using the loader without any issues I'd be happy to hear about :)