fluentui-emoji Public
Forked from microsoft/fluentui-emojiA collection of familiar, friendly, and modern emoji from Microsoft
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 17, 2023 -
fugu Public
Forked from shafy/fuguFugu is simple, privacy-friendly, open-source and self-hostable product analytics. 🐡
Ruby GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 13, 2022 -
calendar Public
Forked from neatnik/calendarA simple printable calendar with the full year on a single page
PHP MIT License UpdatedMay 2, 2022 -
typo Public
Forked from neatnik/typoTypo is a more natural web typing thing
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 10, 2021 -
awesome-wysiwyg Public
Forked from JefMari/awesome-wysiwyg-editorsA curated list of awesome WYSIWYG editors.
UpdatedFeb 26, 2020 -
zenpen Public
Forked from tholman/zenpenA minimalist writing zone.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 1, 2020 -
deep_pluck Public
Forked from khiav223577/deep_pluckAllow you to pluck attributes from nested associations without loading a bunch of records.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedSep 25, 2019 -
merchant.js Public
Forked from Flaque/merchant.js💰 A Javascript framework for creating idle games
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 25, 2018 -
miso Public
Forked from dmjio/miso🍜 A tasty Haskell front-end framework
Haskell BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMar 18, 2018 -
JS-Interpreter Public
Forked from NeilFraser/JS-InterpreterA sandboxed JavaScript interpreter in JavaScript.
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 7, 2018 -
js-must-watch Public
Forked from bolshchikov/js-must-watchMust-watch videos about javascript
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedMar 5, 2018 -
berg Public
Forked from bemurphy/bergThe new icelab.com.au, built with dry-rb, rom-rb and Roda
Ruby MIT License UpdatedFeb 5, 2018 -
functional-javascript-workshop Public
Forked from timoxley/functional-javascript-workshopA functional javascript workshop. No libraries required (i.e. no underscore), just ES5.
JavaScript UpdatedJan 16, 2018 -
javascript-koans Public
Forked from mrdavidlaing/javascript-koansKoans to learn Javascript
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 9, 2018 -
javascript-sandbox-console Public
Forked from openexchangerates/javascript-sandbox-consolea mini interactive javascript console for library/plugin demos and homepages
HTML MIT License UpdatedJan 3, 2018 -
dry-web Public
Forked from dry-rb/dry-webLightweight web application stack with pluggable routing front-ends
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJan 2, 2018 -
JavaScript-Koans-1 Public
Forked from liammclennan/JavaScript-Koansjavascript koans is an interactive learning environment that uses failing tests to introduce students to aspects of JavaScript in a logical sequence.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 7, 2017 -
dry-web-blog Public
Forked from dry-rb/dry-web-blogExample dry-rb & rom-rb web application
Ruby UpdatedNov 4, 2017 -
electron-highlighter-syntax Public
Forked from mkschulze/autumn-highlighter-syntaxSyntax theme for Atom editor
CSS MIT License UpdatedOct 31, 2017 -
js-console-listener Public
Forked from ianpgall/js-console-listenerA JavaScript library that allows you to listen for console events.
JavaScript UpdatedSep 29, 2017 -
Symbola-Emoji Public
Forked from ChALkeR/Symbola-EmojiA ttf/woff/eot font for use with css.
Makefile UpdatedJul 21, 2017 -
emoji-icon-font Public
Forked from jslegers/emoji-icon-fontAn experimental icon font
HTML UpdatedJul 18, 2017 -
emojione Public
Forked from joypixels/emojioneEmojiOne™ is the open emoji standard. #iwantemojione
PHP Other UpdatedJun 1, 2017 -
Lets-Build-Instagram-Free-Book Public
Forked from benwalks/Lets-Build-Instagram-Free-BookLet's build an Instagram clone with Ruby on Rails!
UpdatedApr 20, 2017 -
closure_tree Public
Forked from ClosureTree/closure_treeEasily and efficiently make your ActiveRecord models support hierarchies
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMar 17, 2017 -
vue-sinatra-boiler Public
Forked from MaxPleaner/vue-sinatra-boilera full stack boiler with Webpack, Vue/Vuex, Sinatra, websockets, github oAuth, server-push, crud generator, etc.
Ruby UpdatedMar 15, 2017 -
google-10000-english Public
Forked from first20hours/google-10000-englishThis repo contains a list of the 10,000 most common English words in order of frequency, as determined by n-gram frequency analysis of the Google's Trillion Word Corpus.
Other UpdatedOct 21, 2016 -
prism Public
Forked from PrismJS/prismLightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 26, 2016