- 👋 Hi, I’m a Full-Stack developer who loves to create new things that serve a purpose - 👀 I’m interested in Web development, blockchain technology, Cybersecurity and AI. - 🌱 I’m currently learning React, typescript, MongoDb. - 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on any project or idea that makes me feel I am contributing something to the world. I want my time spent on earth to have a purpose. - 📫 I can be reached thourgh: - [email protected] - linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/rafael-viteri
ClanFest App - Academic project for Henry´s Bootcamp
ClanFest is an app that serves for finding public or private events, as well as creating and organizing your own events. It is a Web andmobile application, made in the following technologies:
- Created using: JavaScripte | NodeJS | Express | MongoDB | Mongoose- Deployed with: Mongo Atlas + Heroku
- Created using: TypeScript | React | Redux | React Native (Mobile version) | CSS | Bootstrap