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A template project to create a minimal Docker image for a Java application. The example app uses Spring Boot to expose an HTTP endpoint.


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Project Template: Create a Docker image for a Java application

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A template project to create a Docker image for a Java application. The example application uses Spring Boot to expose an HTTP endpoint.

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Docker must be installed on your local machine. That's it. You do not need a Java JDK or Maven installed.

Usage and Demo

Step 1: Create the Docker image according to Dockerfile. This step uses Maven to build, test, and package the Java application according to pom.xml. The resulting image is 130MB in size, of which 44MB are the underlying alpine image.

# ***Creating an image may take a few minutes!***
$ docker build --platform linux/x86_64/v8 -t miguno/java-docker-build-tutorial:latest .

# You can also build with the new BuildKit.
$ docker buildx build --platform linux/x86_64/v8 -t miguno/java-docker-build-tutorial:latest .

Optionally, you can check the size of the generated Docker image:

$ docker images miguno/java-docker-build-tutorial
REPOSITORY                          TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
miguno/java-docker-build-tutorial   latest    b03be6e7dac4   4 minutes ago   130MB

Step 2: Start a container for the Docker image.

$ docker run -p 8123:8123 miguno/java-docker-build-tutorial:latest

Step 3: Open another terminal and access the example API endpoint of the running container.

$ curl

Usage with just

If you have just installed, you can run the commands above more conveniently as per this project's justfile:

$ just
Available recipes:
    audit               # audit the code
    benchmark-plow      # benchmark the app's HTTP endpoint with plow (requires
    benchmark-wrk       # benchmark the app's HTTP endpoint with wrk (requires
    build               # alias for 'compile'
    clean               # clean (remove) the build artifacts
    compile             # compile the project
    coverage            # create coverage report
    default             # print available targets
    docker-image-create # create a docker image (requires Docker)
    docker-image-run    # run the docker image (requires Docker)
    docker-image-size   # size of the docker image (requires Docker)
    docs                # generate Java documentation
    evaluate            # evaluate and print all just variables
    format              # format sources
    format-check        # check formatting of sources (without modifying)
    infer               # static code analysis with infer (requires
    mvnw-upgrade        # upgrade mvnw a.k.a. maven wrapper
    package             # package the application to create an uber jar
    pom                 # print effective pom.xml
    run                 # run the application locally with live reload
    run-jar             # run the application's packaged jar locally (requires 'package' step)
    send-request-to-app # send request to the app's HTTP endpoint (requires Docker and running app container)
    site                # generate site incl. reports for spotbugs, dependencies, javadocs, licenses
    spotbugs            # static code analysis with spotbugs
    system-info         # print system information such as OS and architecture
    test                # run unit tests
    verify              # run unit and integration tests, plus coverage check and static code analysis


$ just docker-image-create


You can also build, test, package, and run the Java application locally (without Docker) if you have JDK 22+ installed. You do not need to have Maven installed, because this repository contains the Maven Wrapper mvnw (use mvnw.cmd on Windows).

# Build, test, package the application locally.
$ ./mvnw clean verify package

# Run the application locally.
$ java -jar target/app.jar

# Alternatively, you can run the application in development mode with hot reloading.
$ ./mvnw quarkus:dev



A template project to create a minimal Docker image for a Java application. The example app uses Spring Boot to expose an HTTP endpoint.







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  • Just 33.4%
  • Java 28.9%
  • Shell 22.0%
  • Dockerfile 15.7%