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Remove confidence test in HTODemux; Remove MultiModal_CCA
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Shiwei Zheng committed Jun 29, 2018
1 parent 1ec4e36 commit 90089ca
Showing 1 changed file with 29 additions and 207 deletions.
236 changes: 29 additions & 207 deletions R/multi_modal.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -219,16 +219,21 @@ CollapseSpeciesExpressionMatrix <- function(
#' Assign sample-of-origin for each cell, annotate doublets.
#' @param object Seurat object. Assumes that the hash tag oligo (HTO) data has been added and normalized in the HTO slot.
#' @param percent_cutoff The quantile of inferred 'negative' distribution for each HTO - over which the cell is considered 'positive'. Default is 0.999
#' @param init_centers Initial number of clusters for kmeans of the HTO oligos. Default is the # of samples + 1 (to account for negatives)
#' @param cluster_nstarts nstarts value for the initial k-means clustering
#' @param object Seurat object. Assumes that the hash tag oligo (HTO) data has been added and normalized.
#' @param assay.type Name of the Hashtag assay (HTO by default)
#' @param positive_quantile The quantile of inferred 'negative' distribution for each HTO - over which the cell is considered 'positive'. Default is 0.99
#' @param init_centers Initial number of clusters for kmeans of the HTO oligos. Default is the # of hashtag oligo names + 1 (to account for negatives)
#' @param k_function Clustering function for initial HTO grouping. Default is "clara" for fast k-medoids clustering on large applications, also support "kmeans" for kmeans clustering
#' @param nsamples Number of samples to be drawn from the dataset used for clustering, for k_function = "clara"
#' @param cluster_nstarts nstarts value for k-means clustering (for k_function = "kmeans"). 100 by default
#' @param print.output Prints the output
#' @param assay.type Naming of HTO assay
#' @param confidence_threshold The quantile of the inferred 'positive' distribution for each HTO. Cells that have lower counts than this threshold are labeled as uncertain in the confidence field. Default is 0.05
#' @return Seurat object. Demultiplexed information is stored in the object meta data.
#' @return The Seurat object with the following demultiplexed information stored in the meta data:
#' @return hash_maxID Name of HTO with the highest signal.
#' @return hash_secondID Name of HTO with the second highest signal
#' @return hash_margin The difference between signals for hash_maxID and hash_secondID
#' @return hto_classification Classification result, with doublets/multiplets named by the top two highest HTOs
#' @return hto_classification_global Global classification result (singlet, doublet or negative)
#' @return hash_ID Classification result where doublet IDs are collapsed
#' @importFrom stats pnbinom
#' @importFrom cluster clara
Expand All @@ -239,18 +244,18 @@ CollapseSpeciesExpressionMatrix <- function(
#' \dontrun{
#' object <- HTODemux(object)
#' }

HTODemux <- function(
percent_cutoff = 0.99,
assay.type = "HTO",
positive_quantile = 0.99,
init_centers = NULL,
cluster_nstarts = 100,
k_function = "clara",
nsamples = 100,
print.output = TRUE,
assay.type = "HTO",
confidence_threshold = 0.05
print.output = TRUE
) {
#initial clustering
hash_data <- GetAssayData(object = object, assay.type = assay.type)
hash_raw_data <- GetAssayData(
object = object,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -284,6 +289,8 @@ HTODemux <- function(
ident.use = hto_init_clusters$clustering

#average hto signals per cluster
#work around so we don't average all the RNA levels which takes time
object2 <- object
object2@data <- object2@data[1:10, ]
Expand All @@ -297,59 +304,26 @@ HTODemux <- function(
assay.type = assay.type,
slot = ""

#create a matrix to store classification result
hto_discrete <- GetAssayData(object = object, assay.type = assay.type)
hto_discrete[hto_discrete > 0] <- 0
hto_prob_pos <- hto_discrete
rownames(x = hto_prob_pos) <- paste(rownames(x = hto_prob_pos), "pos", sep = "_")
hto_prob_neg <- hto_discrete
rownames(x = hto_prob_neg) <- paste(rownames(x = hto_prob_neg), "neg", sep = "_")

# for each HTO, we will use the minimum cluster for fitting
# we will also store positive and negative distributions for all cells after determining the cutoff
hto_dist_pos = list()
hto_dist_neg = list()
for (hto_iter in rownames(x = hash_data)) {
hto_values <- hash_raw_data[hto_iter, object@cell.names]
#commented out if we take all but the top cluster as background
#hto_values_negative=hto_values[setdiff([email protected],WhichCells(object,which.max(average_hto[hto_iter,])))]
hto_values_use <- hto_values[WhichCells(object = object, ident = which.min(x = average_hto[hto_iter, ])
#throw off the top 0% of values, probably should be excluded for the min
#hto_values_use <- hto_values_negative[hto_values_negative<quantile(hto_values_negative,1)]

hto_fit <- fitdist(hto_values_use, "nbinom")
hto_cutoff <- as.numeric(x = quantile(x = hto_fit, probs = percent_cutoff)$quantiles[1])
hto_cutoff <- as.numeric(x = quantile(x = hto_fit, probs = positive_quantile)$quantiles[1])
hto_discrete[hto_iter, names(x = which(x = hto_values > hto_cutoff))] <- 1
if (print.output) {
print(paste0("Cutoff for ", hto_iter, " : ", hto_cutoff, " reads"))
hto_values_pos <- hto_values[hto_values > hto_cutoff]
hto_values_neg <- hto_values[hto_values <= hto_cutoff]
hto_dist_neg[[hto_iter]] <- fitdist(hto_values_neg, "nbinom")
hto_dist_pos[[hto_iter]] <- fitdist(hto_values_pos, "nbinom")
hto_prob_pos[paste(hto_iter, "pos", sep = "_"),] <- sapply(
X = hto_values,
FUN = function(x) {
q = x,
size = hto_dist_pos[[hto_iter]]$estimate["size"],
mu = hto_dist_pos[[hto_iter]]$estimate["mu"],
log.p = TRUE
hto_prob_neg[paste(hto_iter, "neg", sep = "_"),] <- -1 * sapply(
X = hto_values,
FUN = function(x) {
q = x,
size = hto_dist_neg[[hto_iter]]$estimate["size"],
mu = hto_dist_neg[[hto_iter]]$estimate["mu"],
log.p = TRUE,
lower.tail = FALSE
#hto_prob_neg=sapply(hto_values,function(x) pnbinom(x,size = hto_dist_neg[[hto_iter]]$estimate["size"],mu = hto_dist_neg[[hto_iter]]$estimate["mu"]))

# now assign cells to HTO based on discretized values
num_hto_positive <- colSums(x = hto_discrete)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -387,170 +361,18 @@ HTODemux <- function(
object <- AddMetaData(object = object, metadata = classification_metadata)
# hto_shortID <- paste([email protected]$hash_maxID, [email protected]$hto_classification_global, sep = "_")
# names(x = hto_shortID) <- [email protected]
# object <- AddMetaData(object = object, metadata = hto_shortID, = "hto_shortID")
# object <- SetAllIdent(object = object, id = "hto_shortID")
object_pn <- data.frame(t(x = rbind(hto_prob_neg, hto_prob_pos)))
# object <- AddMetaData(object = object, metadata = object_pn)
confidence_threshold <- log(x = confidence_threshold)$confidence <- "Confident"

singlet_cells <- WhichCells(object = object, = "hto_classification_global",accept.value = "Singlet")
singlet_data <- cbind(object_pn[singlet_cells,],[singlet_cells,"hash_maxID"])
colnames(singlet_data)[ncol(singlet_data)] <- "hash_maxID"
singlet_pos <- sapply(
X = 1:nrow(x = singlet_data),
FUN = function(x) {
paste(as.character(x = singlet_data[x, "hash_maxID"]), "pos", sep = "_")
names(x = singlet_pos) <- rownames(x = singlet_data)[names(x = which(x = singlet_pos < confidence_threshold)), "confidence"] <- "Uncertain"

doublet_cells <- WhichCells(object = object, = "hto_classification_global",accept.value = "Doublet")
doublet_data <- cbind(object_pn[doublet_cells,],[doublet_cells,c("hash_maxID","hash_secondID")])
colnames(doublet_data)[c(ncol(doublet_data)-1,ncol(doublet_data))] <- c("hash_maxID","hash_secondID")
doublet_pos <- sapply(
X = 1:nrow(x = doublet_data),
FUN = function(x) {
paste(as.character(x = doublet_data[x, "hash_maxID"]), "pos", sep = "_")
names(x = doublet_pos) <- rownames(x = doublet_data)[names(x = which(x = doublet_pos < confidence_threshold)), "confidence"] <- "Uncertain"
doublet_pos <- sapply(
X = 1:nrow(doublet_data),
FUN = function(x) {
paste(as.character(x = doublet_data[x, "hash_secondID"]), "pos", sep = "_")
names(x = doublet_pos) <- rownames(x = doublet_data)[names(x = which(x = doublet_pos < confidence_threshold)), "confidence"] <- "Uncertain"
if (print.output) {
print(x = table($hto_classification_global,$confidence))
print(x = table($hto_classification_global))
object=SetAllIdent(object = object,id = "hto_classification")
object=SetIdent(object,cells.use = WhichCells(object, = "hto_classification_global",accept.value = "Doublet"),ident.use = "Doublet")$hash_ID=object@ident[rownames(]


#' Canonical Correlation Analysis between modalities
#' Runs a canonical correlation analysis between two assays (for example, RNA and ADT from CITE-seq)
#' @param object Seurat object. Assumes that exist for both assays.
#' @param assay.1 The first assay for CCA.
#' @param assay.2 The second assay for CCA.
#' @param features.1 Features to use for the first assay, default is all the features (use [email protected] if this is RNA).
#' @param features.2 Features to use for the second assay, default is all the features.
#' @param Minimal number of CCs to return.
#' @param normalize.variance Whether to scale the embeddings. Default is TRUE.
#' @return Returns Seurat object with two CCA results stored (for example, object@dr$RNACCA and object@dr$ADTCCA).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' object <- MultiModal_CCA(object,assay.1 = "RNA",assay.2 = "ADT")
#' }

assay.1 = "RNA",
assay.2 = "ADT",
features.1 = NULL,
features.2 = NULL, = 20,
normalize.variance = TRUE
) {
#first pull out data, define features
data.1 <- GetAssayData(
object = object,
assay.type = assay.1,
slot = ""
data.2 <- GetAssayData(
object = object,
assay.type = assay.2,
slot = ""
if (is.null(x = features.1)) {
if ((assay.1 == "RNA") && length(x = object@var.genes) > 0) {
features.1 <- object@var.genes
} else {
features.1 <- rownames(x = data.1)
features.2 <- SetIfNull(x = features.2, default = rownames(x = data.2))
data.1 <- t(x = data.1[features.1, ])
data.2 <- t(x = data.2[features.2, ])
data.1 <- data.1[,apply(data.1,2,var)>0]
data.2 <- data.2[,apply(data.2,2,var)>0] <- max(20, min(ncol(data.1), ncol(data.2))) <- list(data.1, data.2)
names(x = <- c(assay.1, assay.2)
# now run CCA
out <- CCA(
x =[[1]],
z =[[2]],
typex = "standard",
typez = "standard",
K =,
penaltyz = 1,
penaltyx = 1
cca.output <- list(out$u, out$v)
embeddings.cca <- list()
for (i in 1:length(x = {
assay.use <- names(x =[i]
rownames(x = cca.output[[i]]) <- colnames(x =[[i]])
embeddings.cca[[i]] <-[[i]] %*% cca.output[[i]]
colnames(x = embeddings.cca[[i]]) <- paste0(
1:ncol(x = embeddings.cca[[i]])
colnames(x = cca.output[[i]]) <- colnames(x = embeddings.cca[[i]])
if (normalize.variance) {
embeddings.cca[[i]] <- scale(x = embeddings.cca[[i]])
object <- SetDimReduction(
object = object,
reduction.type = paste0(assay.use, "CCA"),
slot = "cell.embeddings", = embeddings.cca[[i]]
object <- SetDimReduction(
object = object,
reduction.type = paste0(assay.use, "CCA"),
slot = "key", = paste0(assay.use, "CC")
object <- SetDimReduction(
object = object,
reduction.type = paste0(assay.use, "CCA"),
slot = "gene.loadings", = cca.output[[i]]

#' Hashtag oligo heatmap
Expand All @@ -559,8 +381,8 @@ MultiModal_CCA=function(
#' @param object Seurat object. Assumes that the hash tag oligo (HTO) data has been added and normalized, and demultiplexing has been run with HTODemux().
#' @param hto.classification The naming for [email protected] slot with classification result from HTODemux().
#' @param global.classification The slot for [email protected] slot specifying a cell as singlet/doublet/negative.
#' @param assay.type The naming for HTO assay.
#' @param num.cells Number of cells to plot. Default is 5000.
#' @param assay.type Hashtag assay name.
#' @param num.cells Number of cells to plot. Default is to choose 5000 cells by random subsampling, to avoid having to draw exceptionally large heatmaps.
#' @param singlet.names Namings for the singlets. Default is to use the same names as HTOs.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for DoHeatmap().
Expand Down

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