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ReactJS Philippines

We are a group of Filipino developers dedicated to nation-building through our community and shared enthusiasm for React and for excellence overall.

Netlify Status

PRs Welcome GitHub issues GitHub license Code of Conduct

Facebook Group Discord

🚀 Quick start

  1. Fork and clone this repo

  2. Install dependencies

    Navigate into the site’s directory and install dependencies.

    cd reactjsph-website/
    # or yarn install
  3. Start developing

    yarn start
    # or yarn develop
  4. Open the source code and start editing!

    Your site is now running at!

    Note: You'll also see a second link: This is a tool you can use to experiment with querying your data. Learn more about using this tool in the Gatsby tutorial.

    Open the reactjsph-website directory in your code editor of choice and start developing. Save your changes and the browser will update in real time!

More for information about how you can contribute to this project, check our contributing guidelines.

📋 Enlisting in the Dev Board

Run yarn enlist to enlist using the CLI or create a JSON file by following the steps below.

  1. Add a JSON file to the content/devs folder with filename firstname-lastname.json (all lowercase, separated by -), e.g., juan-dela-cruz.json.

  2. Within that file, define an object describing yourself given the format below. Here's an example.

Key Description
avatar An external URL to an image of yourself
  • Must be a square image
  • Must be less than 80 kB
name Your name
title Your current job title
company Your current employer
  • Optional
blurb Short bio describing yourself
  • Must be 140 characters or less
skills String array of your skills/technologies that you would like to promote
  • Only the first 5 will be listed, but feel free to add as many as you like (We plan to allow devs to be filtered by skills in the future)
contacts Object array of contact information where each item has a type and a url
  • type can be any of the following: "behance", "email", "github", "linkedin", "twitter", "website"
  • url must be a URL corresponding to the type selected
  1. Commit your changes with the message [DEV BOARD] {YOUR_NAME} and open a pull request with the same title, following the template below:
I have read and verified the following upon opening this pull request to add my information to the ReactJS Philippines Dev Board:

- [ ] My `avatar` is a square image
- [ ] My `avatar` is below 80 kB
- [ ] My `blurb` is no longer than 140 characters
- [ ] I understand that only the first 5 `skills` I list will be shown on the site

🗂 Contributing to the Project Board

We 💙 all projects, but for personal websites, consider listing them under your name through the Dev Board above instead!

  1. Create a JSON file in the content/projects folder with filename project-name.json (all lowercase, separated by -), e.g., reactjsph-website.

  2. Within that file, define an object describing your project given the format below:

Key Description
name The name of your project
author Your name
description A description of your project
  • No longer than 280 characters
homepage Your project's homepage
tags String array of keywords related to your project
  • Only the first 5 will be listed, but feel free to add as many as you like (We plan to allow projects to be filtered by tags in the future)
  1. Commit your changes with the message [PROJECT BOARD] {YOUR_NAME}, then open a pull request with the same title.

🎉 Join the community