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Deploy to Kubernetes through a Github Repo

A cli command, written in Go, that runs in Kubernetes as an agent (deploy agent) or raises a pull request against the cluster repo to request a deployment (deploy request).

deploy agent

  1. watches for PR updates on a webhook
  2. clones the repo to a temporary directory
  3. checks out the commit SHA
  4. walks down any top-level directories that contain changes
  5. gathers yaml files (however they are nested)
  6. applies the manifests to a Kubernetes cluster using kubctl.

deploy request

  1. checks out the cluster repo specified
  2. copies the specified manifests into a new branch (named with the commit sha)
  3. commits, pushes and raises a PR requesting deployment


This is an experiment to demonstrate how a CI/CD system might deploy to environments by opening a Pull Request on a "cluster repo" with the intention "please will you accept this configuration". It's early days and not production ready.


  1. Implement a mark-and-sweep garbage collector, similar to kubecfg. Currently any removed manifests will not result in the resources being removed from the cluster.
  2. Implement an image resolver, similar to kubecfg. This allows idempotent deploys even for images whose tags have changed but their content hasn't (e.g. if you're using a monorepo and the SHA is used as the tag).

Note: we can't currently use kubecfg as it stands, because it doesn't support accepting manifests from stdin (and as there are no file extensions to look at, it wouldn't know whether they were yaml, json or jsonnet anyway). We could raise a PR to add this functionality, or use it as a library. Jury is still out.

To install locally:

go get

export PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN=<personal access token>
export DEPLOY_SECRET=<webhook secret>
deploy help
deploy help agent
deploy help request

To run the agent in Kubernetes:

deploy agent runs on the k8s cluster. There is an example deployment (for minikube) in the k8s/minikube directory. The shell script does the following:

  • creates a namespace
    • with name deploy-robot
  • creates a secret
    • from exported PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN
    • from exported DEPLOY_SECRET
  • creates other resources:
    • serviceAccount
      • with name deploy-robot - useful for RBAC
    • deployment
    • service
    • ingress
      • backs onto the nginx ingressController which you can enable with minikube addons enable ingress
      • uses the hostname deploy.internal so you may need to add that to your hosts file so it resolves to ${minikube ip})
echo "$(minikube ip) deploy.internal" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
cd ./k8s/minikube

You may need to use ngrok if testing with a local minikube cluster in order to provide a public endpoint for your github webhook:

ngrok http -host-header=rewrite deploy.internal:80

This will give you an endpoint like, so you can configure your webhook on the cluster repo to point to something like The webhook should be triggered on Pull Request events.

When the webhook is configured, you should be able to use deploy request as shown below to trigger the whole process. Then you should be able to get the logs from the relevant pod:

> kubectl --namespace deploy-robot logs deploy-robot-6bb9fb46d6-ltljc
2018/03/20 18:52:33 INFO: Listening on addr: :3016 path: /webhooks
2018/03/20 18:55:09 INFO: Webhook received
2018/03/20 18:55:09 INFO: Parsing Payload...
2018/03/20 18:55:09 INFO: Checking secret
2018/03/20 18:55:09
PR #8, SHA 90a864e84cde99283cf9e2c4cc7cea93ee36308c
2018/03/20 18:55:11 Walking guestbook
deployment "redis" created
service "redis" created
deployment "guestbook-ui" created
service "guestbook-ui" created

To make a deployment request:

deploy request runs in the CD pipeline, but you can test from the root directory of this repo. Modify the config in /example/guestbook and then:

> deploy request --namespace=guestbook --manifestDir=example/guestbook --sha=41e8650 --org=redbadger --repo=cluster-local
2018/03/17 13:50:22 copying from example/guestbook to /guestbook
2018/03/17 13:50:22 commit obj: commit cfb3da3c0b28f4bb731a13689ed0f994ba24b340
Author: Robot <robot>
Date:   Sat Mar 17 13:50:22 2018 +0000

    Commit message!
2018/03/17 13:50:26 Pull request #1 raised!


Deploy to Kubernetes through a Github repo



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