Provide json_decode
and json_encode
to the former version of VIM.
function! s:json_decode(json)
if !exists("*json_decode")
return json_ponyfill#json_decode(a:json)
return json_decode(a:json)
function! s:json_encode(json)
if !exists("*json_encode")
return json_ponyfill#json_encode(a:json)
return json_encode(a:json)
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/json-ponyfill.vim
and json_ponyfill#json_encode
will take a long
time working with large JSON.
Of course my code may be not sophisticated, but originally Vim Script is not good for large processing.
Consider to use the following workarounds:
Use json_ponyfill#json_decode(json, { 'python': 1 })
to use python if possible.
Python can process faster than Vim Script.
Use json_ponyfill#json_decode(json, { 'progress': 1 })
to display progress bar like below:
json_decode 50% [=========================.........................]
NOTE: Progress bar use redraw
command to refresh itself. redraw
wipe previously printed all echo message out. See :h redraw
, :h messages
:h echomsg
, and :h echoerr
to learn more.
Of course, the above options can be combined like:
json_ponyfill#json_decode(json, { 'progress': 1, 'python': 1 }
But note that progress option will be ignored if python is available.
is a bit useful snippet for unit testing.
:let g:json_ponyfill = 1 | source test/test.vim
MIT License
(C) 2016-2017 Retorillo