Programming Bookmarks
- ApexSQL Decrypt : SQL database object decryption
- DBComparer : Free compare database tool
- DBeaver : Free universal database tool
- Docker : Accelerate how you build, share and run modern applications
- Docker Desktop : The fastest way to containerize applications on your desktop
- Evolus Pencil : An open-source GUI prototyping tool that's available for ALL platforms
- Filezilla : The free FTP solution
- GitHub Desktop : Focus on what matters instead of fighting with Git
- Kitematic : Run docker containers through a simple, yet powerful graphical user interface
- LINQPad : The .NET Programmer’s Playground
- Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio : Integrated environment for managing any SQL infrastructure
- Microsoft Visual Studio : Ambiente di sviluppo integrato
- MySQL Workbench : Unified visual tool for database architects, developers, and DBAs
- Postman : The Collaboration Platform for API Development
- Typora : A truly minimal markdown editor
- USBWebserver : Develop and show your PHP websites everywhere and anytime
- Visual Studio Code : Code editing redefined
- WampServer : A Windows web development environment
- WinMerge : differencing and merging tool for Windows
- JSONPlaceholder : Fake Online REST API for Testing and Prototyping
- yarn : Fast, reliable, and secure dependency management
- Composer : A Dependency Manager for PHP
- Packagist : The main Composer repository: it aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer
- DummyJSON : Dummy/fake JSON data to use as placeholder in development or in prototype testing.
- Laravel : The PHP Framework for Web Artisans
- Laravel Documentation
- Laravel News
- Laravel Nova : Beautifully-designed administration panel for Laravel
- Made with Laravel : Laravel showcase
- Laravel Enum : Simple, extensible and powerful enumeration implementation for Laravel
- Laravel Examples : Laravel code examples
- Filament : collection of tools for rapidly building beautiful TALL stack interfaces, designed for humans
- Vemto : desktop application that will power the way you start new Laravel Projects
- Livewire : full-stack framework for Laravel that makes building dynamic interfaces simple
- Making Magic with Laravel and Filament Admin : Pull a ready-made admin dashboard out of thin air!
- Shield : The easiest and most intuitive way to add access management to your admin panel resources, pages, widgets and settings
- 949mac/nova-readonlyonupdate : Nova Readonly on Update
- anaseqal/nova-sidebar-icons : Nova Sidebar Icons (& collapsible group)
- bakerkretzmar/nova-settings-tool : Laravel Nova tool to manage app settings
- bayareawebpro/nova-field-ckeditor : Laravel Nova - CkEditor v5 Field
- Benjacho/belongs-to-many-field-nova : Belongs To Many Field Nova With Dependant
- bissolli/nova-phone-field : A global Phone Number field for Laravel Nova
- chris-ware/nova-breadcrumbs : Nova Breadcrumbs
- codenco-dev/nova-grid-system : Nova Grid System
- coderello/laravel-nova-lang : Laravel Nova Lang
- davidpiesse/nova-map : Map Field
- dillingham/nova-button : Nova Button
- ebess/advanced-nova-media-library : Laravel Advanced Nova Media Library
- emilianotisato/nova-tinymce : Laravel Nova TinyMCE editor with images upload capabilities!
- eminiarts/nova-tabs : Laravel Nova Tabs Package
epartment/nova-dependency-container : Nova Field Dependency Container- GeneaLabs/nova-gutenberg : Nova Gutenberg
- GeneaLabs/nova-map-marker-field : Map Marker Field for Laravel Nova
- gregoriohc/laravel-nova-theme-responsive : Laravel Nova Responsive Theme
- inspheric/nova-defaultable-fields : Laravel Nova Defaultable Fields
- inspheric/nova-email-field : Laravel Nova Email Field
- inspheric/nova-url-field : Laravel Nova URL Field
- izi-dev/nova-field-date-picker : Laravel Nova Field Super DatePicker
- KABBOUCHI/nova-impersonate : Nova Impersonate Field
- kirschbaum-development/nova-inline-relationship : Nova Inline Relationship
- laraning/nova-time-field : A time field for Laravel Nova applications
- Maatwebsite/Laravel-Nova-Excel : Supercharge your Laravel Nova resource exports
- michielkempen/nova-polymorphic-field : Nova Polymorphic Field
- MohmmedAshraf/nova-hidden-field : Laravel Nova Hidden Field
- nsaumini/ellipsis-textarea : Nova Ellipsis Textarea
- oleghalin/nova-link-field : Laravel Nova Link Field
- optimistdigital/nova-multiselect-field : Nova Multiselect
- optimistdigital/nova-notes-field : Nova Notes Field
- orlyapps/nova-belongsto-depend : BelongsTo Field with Dependency
- simplesquid/nova-advanced-number-field : An advanced number field for Laravel Nova
- simplesquid/nova-enum-field : An enum field for Laravel Nova
- spatie/nova-tags-field : A tags field for Nova apps
- techouse/intl-date-time : International DateTime
- TitasGailius/nova-search-relations : Search relationships in Laravel Nova
- whitecube/nova-flexible-content : Flexible Content
- whitecube/nova-google-maps : Laravel Nova Google Maps Field
- whitecube/nova-page : Nova Page
- .NET
- Download .NET
- Download .NET SDKs for Visual Studio
- GitHub extension for Visual Studio : The easiest way to connect to your GitHub repositories in Visual Studio
- Download .NET SDKs for Visual Studio
- CodeMaid VS2022 : Visual Studio extension to cleanup and simplify our coding
- Configuration Transform : Automatically transform app.config or any other config during build process
- Automapper : a convention-based object-object mapper
- Bogus : simple and sane fake data generator
- CsvHelper : a library for reading and writing CSV files
- Dapper : simple object mapper for .NET
- DbUp-SqlServer : makes it easy to deploy and upgrade SQL Server databases by running change scripts
- DiffPlex : diffing library that allows you to programatically create text diffs
- DistributedLock : Provides easy-to-use mutexes, reader-writer locks, and semaphores that can synchronize across processes and machines. This is an umbrella package that brings in the entire family of DistributedLock.* packages (e. g. DistributedLock.SqlServer) as references.
- Dragablz : dragable and tearable tab control for WPF
- EPPlus : create advanced Excel spreadsheets using .NET
- ExcelDataReader : ibrary for reading Microsoft Excel files (2.0-2007)
- FileHelpers : Open Source library for automatic formatted file read/write operations
- FluentFTP : FTP and FTPS client
- Flurl : A fluent, portable URL builder
- MaterialDesignThemes : material Design templates and styles for WPF controls in the MahApps library
- MaterialDesignExtensions : provide additional controls and features for WPF apps
- Newtonsoft.Json : JSON framework for .NET
- : GitHub API Client Library for .NET
- NLog : logging platform for .NET with rich log routing and management capabilities
- Nominatim.API : Library for utilizing geocoding (forward and reverse), in addition to address lookups, with the Nominatim HTTP API
- Octokit : an async-based GitHub API client library
- PrestaSharp : CSharp .Net client library for the PrestaShop API via web service
- PublicHoliday : Public Holidays
- RestSharp : simple REST and HTTP API Client
- SharpZipLib : compression library for Zip, GZip, BZip2, and Tar
- ShopifySharp : A .NET library for Shopify
- SmartFormat.NET : a string composition library that can format data into a string with a minimal, intuitive syntax
- SlowCheetah : a string composition library that can format data into a string with a minimal, intuitive syntax
- SqlKata : allows for configuration based XML transformations at build time
- WooCommerce.Net : NET library for calling WooCommerce/WordPress REST API with OAuth/JWT in .NET applications
- ALM Toolkit : free and open-source tool to manage Microsoft Power BI datasets
- Tabular Editor : a lightweight editor for SSAS Tabular Models built in .NET/WinForms
- DAX Studio : The ultimate tool for working with DAX queries
- Microsoft Power BI Community : connect, learn and discuss with business intelligence experts and peers
- SQLBI : DAX Website
- microsoft/PowerBI-Developer-Samples : Power BI Embedded solutions in 5 different frameworks
Extensions Visual Studio Marketplace
- Apache Conf
- C#
- Composer
- DotENV
- Laravel Blade Snippets
- Markdown All in One
- PHP IntelliSense
- phpfmt - PHP formatter
- Settings Sync
- Sort lines
- Vetur
- vscode-icons
- Mithril : Modern client-side JavaScript framework for building Single Page Applications
- Summernote : Super simple WYSIWYG editor on Bootstrap
- [DataTables] ( : Add advanced interaction controls to your HTML tables
- Chart.js : Simple yet flexible JavaScript charting for designers & developers
- Iconpacks : Free PNG, SVG icons
- Unsplash : Beautiful Free Images & Pictures
- Dynamic Dummy Image Generator : Create dummy image links