SDL2 audio synthesis.
Initially based on example number 3. Started with this simple code and evolved it into a polyphonic synth.
I wanted more features and grabbed some audio code for filtering, compression, etc. from (Thanks, Sean!)
Linux Ubuntu 20.04 builds with apt installed SDL & GLEW
Got Windows Build working with both:
- VS Code using Microsoft CMake & Select "VS Community 2019 Release - amd64" kit output in "build"
- VS 2019 Community Edition output in "out/build"
- [DONE] needs better ADSR envelope
- [DONE] one note at a time, needs polyphony
- [DONE] basic GUI
- [DONE] sine, square, triangle & sawtooth waves
- [DONE] could use stereo pan
- [DONE] needs a compressor
- [DONE] could use resonant LPF after synth
- low freq osc input to offset pitch, amplitude, phase
- adjust pitch indexes to match midi