Provides data schema and foundation for Paneron extensions that work with various registries based on ISO 19135-1 standard
XML Filter for editing Code List Representation (genericode) files with LibreOffice Calc
LutaML ("luta-mel"): data model language and accessor for UML, SysML and EXPRESS
Update iTip to specify scheduling with participants
CC 51000: Calendaring and scheduling -- Vocabulary
Documentation for and implementations of the metaschema modeling language
Parser for OMG XMI with Enterprise Architect UML 1.5 and UML 2.x
Project PLATEAU by MLIT: Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (国土交通省)
metanorma / xmlgraphics-fop
Forked from apache/xmlgraphics-fopMetanorma fork of Apache XML Graphics FOP
Sample document: Laozi with annotations in vertical format
IEC/ISO/JSEG 15/WS 1 working repository: Metaverse Vocabulary