Framework for Man-In-The-Middle attacks
Quick tutorial and examples at
This tool is completely based on sergio-proxy and is an attempt to revive and update the project.
Availible modules:
- ArpSpoof - Redirect traffic using arp-spoofing
- BrowserProfiler - Attempts to enumerate all browser plugins of connected clients
- CacheKill - Kills page caching by modifying headers
- FilePwn - Backdoor executables being sent over http using bdfactory
- Inject - Inject arbitrary content into HTML content
- JavaPwn - Performs drive-by attacks on clients with out-of-date java browser plugins
- jskeylogger - Injects a javascript keylogger into clients webpages
- Linkrewriter - Rewrites all href attributes to a specified url
- Replace - Replace arbitary content in HTML content
- SMBAuth - Evoke SMB challenge-response auth attempts
- Upsidedownternet - Flips images 180 degrees
So far the most significant changes have been:
Arpspoof plugin has been completely re-written to use scapy (Now able to poison via arp-requests and arp-replies)
Usage of third party tools has been completely removed (e.g. ettercap)
Addition of the BrowserProfiler plugin
Addition of the JsKeylogger plugin
FilePwn plugin re-written to backdoor executables and zip files on the fly by using the-backdoor-factory and code from BDFProxy
Added for interfacing with Metasploits rpc server
Added Link Re-Writer plugin
Addition of the app-cache poisoning attack by Krzysztof Kotowicz
JavaPwn plugin now live! Auto-detect and exploit clients with out-of-date java plugins using the Metasploit Frameworks rpc interface!!
Coming Soon:
- Update hijacking ??? (e.g. evilgrade)