- shell
- packages
- developer tool kit
- git: distributed version control system
- bat: cat(1) clone with wings
- tree: recursive directory listing command
- fzf: command-line fuzzy finder
- fd: simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'
- clang: c language family frontend for llvm
- cmake: build, test and package
- ninja: small build system
- gnu global: source code tag system
- cscope: developer's tool for browsing source code
- universal ctags: maintained ctags implementation
- astyle: source code indenter, formatter, and beautifier for the C, C++, C++/CLI, Objective‑C, C# and Java programming languages
- gdb: GNU Project debugger
- bear: a tool that generates a compilation database for clang tooling
- git
- terminal
- sudo:
sudo -E vi file
- vim
- neovim
- my .config/nvim/lua/custom
- package manager
- plugins
- neovim
- emacs
- code
- extensions
- themes
- Hack Nerd Font
- Hasklig:
editor.fontWeight: 500
- MesloLGS NF
- Cartograph CF: $50
- Python
- pyenv & virtualenv
- autoenv
- poetry
- Node
- nvm
- node
- yarn
- Rust
- rustup: install.md
- Go
- gvm: install.md
- go
- Java
- jenv
- Linux Container
- docker.com/docker desktop
- podman on RedHat
- mac ↔ redhat
- Run podman in container
- minikube: kvm2, qemu
- VirtualBox: download
- Vagrant: Download
mkdir -p ~/vm/virtualbox
- Preferences
- Default machine folder:
- .gitignore: macos,windows,linux,vim,emacs,visualstudiocode,tags
- readme