Java & Vue.js 全栈「集群设备管理云平台『后端部分』」,使用 Spring Boot、Netty 搭建 TCP 服务器与上万设备的集群通信,基于 JavaFX 的 GUI 应用程序模拟上万台设备的行为,并可对服务器进行压力测试。
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rwdxll / SuperMvp
Forked from liuyanggithub/SuperMvpMVP“美”图+新闻+天气预报+Material+Rx+Retrofit+Glide+leakcanary+butterknife
A Hacker News reader iOS app written in Swift.
🥇Swift基础知识大全,🚀Swift学习从简单到复杂,不断地完善与更新, 欢迎Star❤️,欢迎Fork, iOS开发者交流:①群:446310206 ②群:426087546
Zulip server and web application. Open-source team chat that helps teams stay productive and focused.
For Cloud Native and DevOps: make popular OSS easily used
Find potential bugs in your services with Diffy
PHP library with command line tool for efficiently syncing tables between remote MySQL databases
A WebDriver server for iOS that runs inside the Simulator.
django reports integrated with highcharts
Android performance optimization tutorials, videos and tools list(Android性能优化视频,文档以及工具)
NetEase / Emmagee
Forked from kevinkong/EmmageeAndroid performance test tool-CPU,memory,network traffic,starting time,battery current and status