This is a simple SoundCloud client that built with Vue.js and Nuxt.js.
- Server-side rendering with Nuxt.js.
- Load data from SoundCloud API.
- The home page included loading more tracks with infinite scroll and search tracks form.
- The track page included related tracks ,track comments and showing track wave.
- The profile page included the user tracks and user followers.
- And so on...
$ git clone vue-soundcloud
Run one of the following commands:
$ yarn && yarn dev
# OR
$ npm i && npm run dev
Run one of the following commands:
$ yarn && yarn build && yarn start
# OR
$ npm i && npm run build && npm start
It seems that SoundCloud has revoked my api client keys without any explanation or warning. Running the app locally no longer works unless you have a working SoundCloud API client id (SoundCloud has disabled registration of new apps for quite some time now). The live demo is also not working at the moment.