This repository contains a sample vimrc that walks you through the changes at each step so that you can gain an understanding of what's going on (rather than just copying someone's vimrc!).
Each step of the workshop that this repository was originally used for is a commit in this repository. Use the list of all commits to peruse what happened at each step. You'll see a (sometimes lengthy) explanation of what happened, and then the diff(erence) of exactly what changed from step-to-step.
Here's a table of contents for convenience
- Create vimrc file
- Add some general settings
- Enable the mouse
- Set up Vundle boilerplate
- Make Vim look good
- Plugins NERDTree and NERDTree Tabs
- Plugin Syntastic
- Plugins vim-easytags and tagbar
- Plugin ctrlp
- Plugin A.vim
- Plugins vim-gitgutter and vim-fugitive
- Plugin delimitMate
- Plugin vim-superman
- Plugin vim-tmux-navigator
- Syntax plugins
- Add all the extra plugins that I use
If you just want to use this file as your vimrc, no questions asked,
- Move your ~/.vimrc file and ~/.vim folder somewhere else for now.
- Download Vundle
- Change your terminal colorscheme to solarized
- Install a patched font
- Download the file vimrc.vim and rename it to ~/.vimrc
- Run
vim +PluginInstall +qall
- ???
- Profit!
But you should really look through the steps for more information about what went down.
- find more plugins!
- learn how to actually use Vim!
- Learning Vim in 2014
- In particular, Vim as Language
- customize my Vimrc!
- write my own Vim plugin!