⚠️ Please note, the master branch tracks development of version 2 of this library, which is currently in beta. For version 1 please check out the 1.x branch.
A react-native module for Google AdMob Banners, Interstitials, Rewarded Videos and also DFP Banners.
The banner types are implemented as components while the interstitial and rewarded video have an imperative API.
You can use npm or Yarn to install the latest beta version:
npm i --save react-native-admob@next
yarn add react-native-admob@next
In order to use this library, you have to link it to your project first. There's excellent documentation on how to do this in the React Native Docs.
Alternatively for iOS you can install the library with CocoaPods by adding a line to your Podfile
pod 'react-native-admob', path: '../node_modules/react-native-admob'
For iOS you will have to add the Google Mobile Ads SDK to your Xcode project.
On Android the AdMob library code is part of Play Services, which is automatically added when this library is linked.
But you still have to manually update your AndroidManifest.xml
, as described in the Google Mobile Ads SDK documentation.
import {
} from 'react-native-admob'
// Display a banner
onAdFailedToLoad={error => console.error(error)}
// Display a DFP Publisher banner
onAdFailedToLoad={error => console.error(error)}
onAppEvent={event => console.log(event.name, event.info)}
// Display an interstitial
AdMobInterstitial.requestAd().then(() => AdMobInterstitial.showAd());
// Display a rewarded ad
AdMobRewarded.requestAd().then(() => AdMobRewarded.showAd());
For a full example reference to the example project.
Corresponding to iOS framework banner size constants
Value | Description | Availability | Size (WxH) |
banner |
Standard Banner | Phones and Tablets | 320x50 |
largeBanner |
Large Banner | Phones and Tablets | 320x100 |
mediumRectangle |
IAB Medium Rectangle | Phones and Tablets | 300x250 |
fullBanner |
IAB Full-Size Banner | Tablets | 468x60 |
leaderboard |
IAB Leaderboard | Tablets | 728x90 |
smartBannerPortrait smartBannerLandscape
Smart Banner | Phones and Tablets | Screen width x 32|50|90 |
Note: There is no smartBannerPortrait
and smartBannerLandscape
on Android. Both prop values will map to smartBanner
Accepts a function. Called when an ad is received.
Accepts a function. Called when an ad request failed.
Accepts a function. Called when an ad opens an overlay that covers the screen.
Accepts a function. Called when the user is about to return to the application after clicking on an ad.
Accepts a function. Called when a user click will open another app (such as the App Store), backgrounding the current app.
Accepts a function. Called when the size of the banner changes. The function is called with an object containing the width and the height.
Above names correspond to the Ad lifecycle event callbacks
Same as AdMobBanner
, with the addition of 2 extra properties:
Accepts a function. Called when DFP sends an event back to the app.
These events may occur at any time during the ad's lifecycle, even before onAdLoaded
is called. The function is called with an object, containing the name of the event and an info property, containing additional information.
More info here: https://developers.google.com/mobile-ads-sdk/docs/dfp/ios/banner#app_events
An array of ad sizes which may be eligible to be served.
In comparison to the AdMobBanner
and PublisherBanner
which have a declaritive API, the AdMobInterstitial
has an imperative API.
Sets the AdUnit ID for all future ad requests.
Sets the devices which are served test ads.
For simulators/emulators you can use AdMobInterstitial.simulatorId
for the test device ID.
Requests an interstitial and returns a promise, which resolves on load and rejects on error.
Shows an interstitial and returns a promise, which resolves when an ad is going to be shown, rejects when the ad is not ready to be shown.
Calls callback with a boolean value whether the interstitial is ready to be shown.
Unfortunately, events are not consistent across iOS and Android. To have one unified API, new event names are introduced for pairs that are roughly equivalent.
This library | iOS | Android |
adLoaded |
interstitialDidReceiveAd |
onAdLoaded |
adFailedToLoad |
interstitial:didFailToReceiveAdWithError |
onAdFailedToLoad |
adOpened |
interstitialWillPresentScreen |
onAdOpened |
adFailedToOpen |
interstitialDidFailToPresentScreen |
Not supported |
adClosed |
interstitialWillDismissScreen |
onAdClosed |
adLeftApplication |
interstitialWillLeaveApplication |
onAdLeftApplication |
In comparison to the AdMobBanner
and PublisherBanner
which have a declaritive API, the AdMobRewarded
has an imperative API, just like the AdMobInterstitial
Sets the AdUnit ID for all future ad requests.
Sets the devices which are served test ads.
For simulators/emulators you can use AdMobRewarded.simulatorId
for the test device ID.
Requests a rewarded ad and returns a promise, which resolves on load and rejects on error.
Shows a rewarded ad and returns a promise, which resolves when an ad is going to be shown, rejects when the ad is not ready to be shown.
Calls callback with a boolean value whether the rewarded ad is ready to be shown.
Unfortunately, events are not consistent across iOS and Android. To have one unified API, new event names are introduced for pairs that are roughly equivalent.
This library | iOS | Android |
adLoaded |
rewardBasedVideoAdDidReceiveAd |
onRewardedVideoAdLoaded |
adFailedToLoad |
rewardBasedVideoAd:didFailToLoadWithError |
onRewardedVideoAdFailedToLoad |
rewarded |
rewardBasedVideoAd:didRewardUserWithReward |
onRewarded |
adOpened |
rewardBasedVideoAdDidOpen |
onRewardedVideoAdOpened |
videoStarted |
rewardBasedVideoAdDidStartPlaying |
onRewardedVideoStarted |
videoCompleted |
rewardBasedVideoAdDidCompletePlaying |
rewardedVideoAdVideoCompleted |
adClosed |
rewardBasedVideoAdDidClose |
onRewardedVideoAdClosed |
adLeftApplication |
rewardBasedVideoAdWillLeaveApplication |
onRewardedVideoAdLeftApplication |
- Support Ad Targeting (RFC: #166)