💅🏻 ⚒ A collection of awesome design systems
Design tokens for Polaris, Shopify’s design system
HTML5 QR code scanner using your webcam
Coding articles to level up your development skills
a cross-browser WebAudio player
a cheat-sheet for mathematical notation in code form
A curated list of code and resources for computer-controlled drawing machines and other visual art robots.
Simple (but easily customizable) example of how to recreate Cubic Disarray by Georg Nees and plot it to an HPGL plotter
Make website screenshots and mobile emulations from the command line.
From community websites to web applications, this CSS framework will help you achieve a consistent look and feel.
Web Starter Kit - a workflow for multi-device websites
tools for building face-models for clmtrackr
Creative Coding: Generative Art, Data visualization, Interaction Design, Resources.
Lightweight controller library for JavaScript.
A workshop on creative coding & generative art
Prompt users to add your PWA to their home screen, since Apple won’t.
Modified implementation of DCGAN focused on generative art. Includes pre-trained models for landscapes, nude-portraits, and others.
Particles reacting to a noise field, generating a watercolor-esque pattern.
Simplified HTML + CSS --> PDF Generator for Nodejs
Galio is a beautifully designed, Free and Open Source React Native Framework
Source code for the Processing Core and Development Environment (PDE)
For use of libfreenect in processing
Explore how machine learning works, live in the browser. No coding required.