This is the QRL wallet application developed by The QRL team, and hosted on
It provides both web and desktop interfaces using Meteor, Semantic UI, NodeJS and Electron.
All secure XMSS operations are run in a web assembly compiled version of qrllib locally in your browser or desktop application. Keys stay in the memory space of the XMSS object, which is destroyed the moment you close the wallet, browser window or desktop application.
The following dependencies are required for a functional local development environment.
NodeJS v14
We recommend using nvm to manage NodeJS versions and using the version of NodeJS as specified in the .nvmrc file
npm install -g @theqrl/electrify-qrl
npm install -g node-gyp
node-gyp issues can generally be solved with updating npm (npm i -g npm) and rebuilding modules (npm rebuild)
Linux only: libudev-dev, libusb-dev and libusb-1.0-0-dev
sudo apt-get install libudev-dev libusb-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev
Redhat Linux: electron-installer-redhat installed globally
npm i -g electron-installer-redhat
Debian/Ubuntu Linux: electron-installer-debian installed globally
npm i -g electron-installer-debian
Mac only: create-dmg
npm install --global create-dmg
Windows Only - Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017
Windows Only - Wix Toolset Build Tools and electron-wix-msi-qrl:
npm install -g electron-wix-msi-qrl
git clone
cd qrl-wallet
npm install
A locally running wallet will be available at
meteor test --driver-package meteortesting:mocha
npm run electron
Ensure the node, mongo and mongod for the platform being built for are in the .electrify/bin directory (these are found in .meteor/local/dev_bundle after a successful local run)
- Clean the dist folder
MacOS and Linux
npm run cleanDist
npm run win:remove_dist
npm run win:create_dist
- Package Electron App
MacOS, Linux and Windows
npm run releaseready
npm run build
npm run installer
If you have issues, the QRL Discord is a good place to ask for help.