- Describe the project structure and the purpose of each file
- Implement an adapter class to make requests and deal with responses
- Implement an application class to handle user interaction
- Write a seeds.rb file to describe how a new database should be populated
- Error handling
Go over files
Folder and file structure
Quick overview of what we are going to cover in this lecture
new folder, what files do we need
config file
Connects to the database
Database folder
Adapter class
Handles all of the network logic
Making requests to APIs
Transforming JSON response to hashes
converting those hashes to instances
saving those instances into db (maybe)
adapter should look like
why is the adapter important?
App class
Handles all of the command line logic gets and puts
run file
The run file is where our entire application is loaded
Entry point to our application
It’s the one file that’s run by calling ruby bin/run.rb
Wrapping Up
Why are we teaching this? What is it important. Any previous examples of students setting up their project terribly and costing them a lot time?
High level advice