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Bring background images to your Visual Studio Code

fullscreeneditorsidebarpanelcarouselcustom images/styles...

GitHub | Visual Studio Marketplace

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Multiple sections, editorsidebarpanel



There are 2 ways to install this extension:

  1. Install from Visual Studio Marketplace.
  2. Search shalldie.background from vscode.


User defined requirements can be met by changing the configuration(settings.json).

what's settings.json | where?


Global Config

Name Type Default Description
background.enabled Boolean true Whether to enable background extension.

Editor Section Config

Edit background.editor to config editor section.

Name Type Default Description
useFront boolean true Place the image above or below the code.
style object {} Custom style for images. MDN Reference
styles object[] [{},{},{}] Each style of editor section image.
images string[] [] Your custom images, support https and file protocol.
interval number 0 Seconds of interval for carousel, default 0 to disabled.
random boolean false Whether to randomly display images.


  "background.editor": {
    "useFront": true,
    "style": {
      "background-position": "100% 100%",
      "background-size": "auto",
      "opacity": 0.6
    "styles": [{}, {}, {}],
    // Local images can be dragged into the browser to quickly get the file protocol address from the address bar
    "images": ["", "file:///path/to/local/file"],
    "interval": 0,
    "random": false

Fullscreen、Sidebar、Panel Section Config

Edit background.fullscreenbackground.sidebarbackground.panel to config these sections.

Name Type Default Description
images string[] [] Your custom images, support https and file protocol.
opacity number 0.1 Opacity of the images, alias to opacity, 0.1 ~ 0.3 recommended.
size string cover Alias to background-size, cover to self-adaption (recommended).
position string center Alias to background-position, default center.
interval number 0 Seconds of interval for carousel, default 0 to disabled.
random boolean false Whether to randomly display images.


  "background.fullscreen": {
    // Local images can be dragged into the browser to quickly get the file protocol address from the address bar
    "images": ["", "file:///path/to/local/file"],
    "opacity": 0.1,
    "size": "cover",
    "position": "center",
    "interval": 0,
    "random": false
  // `sidebar` and `panel` have the same config as `fullscreen`
  "background.sidebar": {},
  "background.panel": {}

Quick Command

Click the 「Background」 button on the right-bottom of statusbar, all commands of background will appear:

Common Issues

This extension works by editting the vscode's js file.

Please refer to the Common Issues if you met some problems.


Please refer to Common Issues#how-to-uninstall.

Contributors 🙏

shalldie suiyun39 frg2089 AzureeDev tumit asurinsaka u3u kuresaru Unthrottled rogeraabbccdd rogeraabbccdd

Contributing Guide

Refer to Contributing Guide.

Change Log

You can checkout all our changes in our CHANGELOG.

Share Your Images

We share background images here.

Migration from v1

The configuration of v1 is outdated and currently maintains a certain level of compatibility. Please refer to for migration.