apriori Public
Forked from AMAL28/aprioriSimple implementation of apriori algorithm
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJan 25, 2021 -
terraform-aws-ec2-instance Public
Forked from terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-ec2-instanceTerraform module which creates EC2 instance(s) on AWS
HCL Other UpdatedJan 15, 2021 -
node-express-azure Public
Forked from mikepfeiffer/node-express-azureNode & Express Demo App for Azure DevOps
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 12, 2020 -
golang-samples Public
Forked from GoogleCloudPlatform/golang-samplesSample apps and code written for Google Cloud in the Go programming language.
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 11, 2020 -
machine_learning_examples Public
Forked from lazyprogrammer/machine_learning_examplesA collection of machine learning examples and tutorials.
Python UpdatedOct 14, 2020 -
h2o-3 Public
Forked from h2oai/h2o-3Open Source Fast Scalable Machine Learning Platform For Smarter Applications: Deep Learning, Gradient Boosting & XGBoost, Random Forest, Generalized Linear Modeling (Logistic Regression, Elastic Ne…
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 8, 2020 -
machine-learning Public
Forked from udacity/machine-learningContent for Udacity's Machine Learning curriculum
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 1, 2020 -
homemade-machine-learning Public
Forked from trekhleb/homemade-machine-learning🤖 Python examples of popular machine learning algorithms with interactive Jupyter demos and math being explained
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedOct 1, 2020 -
azure-voting-app-redis Public
Forked from Azure-Samples/azure-voting-app-redisAzure voting app used in docs.
Shell MIT License UpdatedSep 15, 2020 -
aws-parallelcluster-node Public
Forked from aws/aws-parallelcluster-nodeaws-parallelcluster-node is the python package installed on the Amazon EC2 instances launched as part of AWS ParallelCluster
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 21, 2020 -
aspnetcore Public
Forked from dotnet/aspnetcoreASP.NET Core is a cross-platform .NET framework for building modern cloud-based web applications on Windows, Mac, or Linux.
C# Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 4, 2020 -
PowerShellMC Public
Forked from johnthebrit/PowerShellMCPowerShell examples
PowerShell UpdatedMar 9, 2020 -
hdinsight-mslearn Public
Forked from Azure/hdinsight-mslearnSample data for Microsoft Learn modules for Azure HDInsight
Jupyter Notebook Other UpdatedFeb 20, 2020 -
python-machine-learning-book-3rd-edition Public
Forked from rasbt/python-machine-learning-book-3rd-editionThe "Python Machine Learning (3nd edition)" book code repository
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedDec 6, 2019 -
ADOdb Public
Forked from ADOdb/ADOdbADOdb is a PHP database class library that provides powerful abstractions for performing queries and managing databases. ADOdb also hides the differences between DB engines so you can easily switch…
PHP Other UpdatedNov 28, 2019 -
free-programming-books Public
Forked from EbookFoundation/free-programming-books📚 Freely available programming books
Other UpdatedNov 6, 2019 -
Payment-System- Public
Forked from Shadowking1235/Payment-System-Online payment system in python
Python UpdatedNov 4, 2019 -
Data-Science-Notes Public
Forked from fengdu78/Data-Science-Notes数据科学的笔记以及资料搜集
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 31, 2019 -
crm-application Public
Forked from oroinc/crm-applicationOroCRM - an open-source Customer Relationship Management application.
PHP Other UpdatedOct 30, 2019 -
YetiForceCRM Public
Forked from YetiForceCompany/YetiForceCRMOur team created for you one of the most innovative CRM systems that supports mainly business processes and allows for customization according to your needs. Be ahead of your competition and implem…
PHP Other UpdatedOct 30, 2019 -
flarepoint-crm Public
Forked from Bottelet/DaybydayCRMFlarepoint is a free, open-source and self-hosted CRM platform based of Laravel 5
How_to_make_a_chatbot Public
Forked from llSourcell/How_to_make_a_chatbotThis is the code for "How to Make a Chatbot - Intro to Deep Learning #12' by Siraj Raval on YouTube
Python UpdatedOct 26, 2019 -
predicting_stock_prices Public
Forked from llSourcell/predicting_stock_pricesThis is the coding challenge for "Predicting Stock Prices" by @Sirajology on Youtube
Python UpdatedOct 23, 2019 -
Learn_Data_Science_in_3_Months Public
Forked from llSourcell/Learn_Data_Science_in_3_MonthsThis is the Curriculum for "Learn Data Science in 3 Months" By Siraj Raval on Youtube
UpdatedOct 18, 2019