Best free, open-source datasets for data science and machine learning projects. Top government data including census, economic, financial, agricultural, image datasets, labeled and unlabeled, autonomous car datasets, and much more.
- NOAA -
- atmospheric, ocean
- Bureau of Labor Statistics -
- employment, inflation
- US Census Data -
- demographics, income, geo, time series
- Bureau of Economic Analysis -
- GDP, corporate profits, savings rates
- Federal Reserve -
- curency, interest rates, payroll
- Quandl -
- financial and economic
- UK Dataservice -
- Census data and much more
- WorldBank -
- census, demographics, geographic, health, income, GDP
- IMF -
- economic, currency, finance, commodities, time series
- Kenya govt data on agriculture, education, water, health, finance, …
- Open Data for Africa -
- agriculture, energy, environment, industry, …
- Kaggle -
- A huge variety of different datasets
- Amazon Reviews -
- 35M product reviews from 6.6M users
- GroupLens -
- 20M movie ratings
- Yelp Reviews -
- 6.7M reviews, pictures, businesses
- IMDB Reviews -
- 25k Movie reviews
- Twitter Sentiment 140 -
- 160k Tweets
- Airbnb -
- A TON of data by geo
- UCI ML Datasets -
- iris, wine, abalone, heart disease, poker hands, ….
- Enron Email dataset -
- 500k emails from 150 people
- From 2001 energy scandal. See the movie: The Smartest Guys in the Room.
- Spambase -
- Emails
- Jeopardy Questions -
- 200k Questions and answers in json
- Gutenberg Ebooks -
- Large collection of books
- ImageNet -
- 14M images of objects
- Google -
- 9M image URLs with labels
- Microsoft Coco -
- 330k images, most labeled
- Labelled Faces in the Wild -
- 13k face images with names
- Stanford Dogs -
- 120 dog breeds, 20k images
- Berkeley DeepDrive -
- Massive dataset including 100k videos with 1100 hours of hd driving
- Belgian Traffic Signs -
- 10k images
- Bosch Small Traffic Signals -
- 5k training and 8k test images
- WPI Traffic Light, Pedestrian, Lane-Keeping -
- 30GB of training and test data from Worcester, Mass
- UCSD Lisa -
- Vehicle detection, traffic signals