Hello world (•‿•)/ , Here's list of some scripts, exploits, and documents made during my OSCP journey.
|___ BASH
| |
| |------> LinuxPrivCheck.sh
| |
| |------> PortKnocker.sh
| |
| |------> Recon.sh
| |
| |------> SUID.sh
| |
| |------> unshadow_john.sh
|___ Documents
| |
| |------> Bookmark List.pdf
| |
| |------> Hunting bad characters with mona.pdf
| |
| |------> Proxychains with Windows machine.pdf
| |
| |------> Upgrading half shells to fully interactive TTYs.pdf
|___ Exploits
| |
| |------> ADTVPP_v1.x.py
| |
| |------> ATMC_v3.0.0.100.py
| |
| |------> Brainpan_v1.0.py
| |
| |------> CFTPS_v1.2.py
| |
| |------> ERM2MP3C_v2.7.3.700.py
| |
| |------> FFTPS_v1.0.py
| |
| |------> PCManFTP_2.0.7_GET.py
| |
| |------> PCManFTP_2.0.7_PORT.py
| |
| |------> PCManFTP_2.0.7_USER.py
| |
| |------> SLMail_5.5.0.py
| |
| |------> VulnServer.py
|___ Windows
|------> WinPrivCheck.bat
|------> useradd.c
|------> wget.vbs