In this repository you will find a Python implementation of VulChecker; a tool for detecting vulnerabilties (CWE) in source code. From,
Mirsky Y, Macon G, Brown M, Yagemann C, Pruett M, Downing E, Mertoguno S, Lee W. "VulChecker: Graph-based Vulnerability Localization in Source Code", USENIX Security 23
If you use any derivative of this code in your work, please cite our publicaiton.
This implimentation supports cmake C/C++ projects only. It can be used to detect integer overflow (CWE-190), stack overflow (CWE-121), heap overflow (CWE-122), double free (CWE-415), and use-after-free (CWE-416) vulnerabilites.
VulChecker is a tool that can precisely locate vulnerabilities in source code (down to the exact instruction) as well as classify their type (CWE). This is useful for developers to locate potential security risks in their code during development, even before the project is complete and deployed. The tool converts cmake C/C++ projects into a graph-based program representation called and ePDG. For each potential manifestation point in the project, a subgraph is extracted by crawling the ePDG up from the potential manifestation point. Finally, a graph-based neural network called Structure2Vec is used to classify which subgraphs yeild actual vaulnerabilites. This is repeated for each CWE resulting in seperate a classifiers. The figure below illustreates how Vulchecker works for a single CWE:
The tool also provides a means for data augmetation: Although many labeld samples are required to train a robust model, it is hard to aquire many line-level labeled samples of vulnerabilites from the wild. Therefore, the tool lets you augment the ePDGs of "clean" projects from the wild with the ePDGs of synthetic vulnerbility datasets. In our research, we found that this is enough to train a model to detect vulnerabilites in the wild. However, whenever possible, it is reccomeneded to include real vulnerabilites from the wild in the training data as well.
In this README you will find chapters on the following topics:
- Installation instructions
- Detailed usage instructions
- Assets: How to access the assets (datasets, models, VM)
- Developer Notes
- Acknowledgements
This tool uses a pipeline of many different components to go from a C/C++ project all the way to a predction from a deep learning model. For example, LLVM with a custom plugin is used to create the ePDGs with any provided labels. Setting up this pipeline is complex and takes a lot of time since LLVM must be compiled. Therefore, instead of performing a clean install (using the instructon below) we provide an Ubuntu VM with VulChecker preinstalled. On the VM's desktop you will find some demo scripts.
The VM can be downloaded from here. Username: vulchecker, Password: vulchecker
The following are instructions for a clean install on Linux (tested on Ubuntu 20.04
and python 3.8.10
You can use the install script in this repository (demos/
) as a guide. However, we reccomend that you read below for better instruction.
VulChecker uses a number of components that must be installed. Here is a list of components of Vulchecker which we maintain in seperate repositories:
: the core library for processing data and training models. All operations with this library are through a command line tool calledhector
: a plugin to LLVM for extracting ePDGs from cmake C\C++ projects.
: our pyTorch implimentation of the graph-based neural network by Dai et al.
: a collection of helpful (optional) scripts, such as automatic labeling Juliet samples.
It is reccomended that you create and activate a python environment before installing any of the libraries to avoid conflicts.
First get VulChecker (hector
) and Structure2Vec:
git clone
git clone
The structure2vec library uses networkx which required cmake to be installed on the system. If you don't have it, you should install it now. It is also reccomended to install python3-pip:
sudo apt install cmake
sudo apt install python3-pip
Now we can install the python libraries and Cython for optimized graph manipulation:
python3 -m pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
python3 -m pip install cython cmake
python3 -m pip install ./structure2vec
python3 -m pip --no-cache-dir install ./VulChecker
Check that VulChecker installed correctly by accessing the help option of the hector
~$ hector --help
Usage: hector [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
augmentation Augment a real-world program with Juliet...
configure Configure a codebase to be analyzed by HECTOR.
hyperopt Optimize hyperparameters.
lint Lint-check a codebase using HECTOR.
preprocess Preprocess Program Dependence Graphs.
sample_data Downsample manifestation points.
Note π: be sure to use --help
on the commands to get further otpions and hints. E.g., hector preprocess --help
Next we need to obtain v10.0.0 of the LLVM compiler and ninja to work with the source code.
Install ninja:
sudo apt-get install -y ninja-build
Download LLVM:
cd ~
tar xvf llvm-project-10.0.0.tar.xz
mv llvm-project-10.0.0 llvm-project
Now we need to install the VulChecker plugin to the LLVM compiler (LLAP) which enables us to generate ePDGs from source code.
Download LLAP:
git clone
Add the LLAP plugin to LLVM:
cp -R llap-master/src/* llvm-project/llvm/lib/Transforms/
Compile LLVM ...and go get some coffee β. It will take a while):
cd llvm-project/
cmake -S ./llvm/ -B llvm-build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -C llvm-build -j 16
make -C llvm-build install
cmake -S ./clang/ -B clang-build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -C clang-build -j 16
make -C clang-build install
Important hector
tool, you will be asked to provide the path to LLAP to execute certain commands. If you installed LLVM in the home dir (as above) then the path to LLAP is:
VulChecker follows a pipeline approach consisting of three segments:
- Data Preparation
- Model Training
- Execution
Data Preperation
involves (1) prepairing line-level labels for a C/C++ cmake project [optional], (2) converting the project into an ePDG using LLVM, (3) processing the ePDG by converting it into a collection of potential manifestaion point subgraphs, and (4) collecting the processed projects into singular dataset files [optional].
Model Training
involves (1) extracting normalization parameters from the training dataset, (2) training a Structure2Vec model on the dataset, and (3) evaluating the model on a test set.
involves (1) executing a trained model on a project and (2) aquiring the results. The project must be preprocessed first similar to the steps in Data Preparation
You can execute each of these steps using our command line tool called hector
Below is a detailed illustration of how the pipeline is used for a single CWE 'X':
In this dataflow diagram, we show how to (1) setup a training dataset that uses labels from a sythetic vulnerability dataset (e.g., Juliet), (2) evaluate the model on a labeled CVE dataset, and (3) execute other projects from the wild on the same model. Note, although not required, a good model will also use samples from the wild labeled vulnerabilites (and not just sythnthetic vulenrabilites).
As examples of how to execute parts of this pipeline, you can take a look at the demo scripts in this repo (demos/
) which show you how to process data, train models and make predicitons. The demos are written to run on the provided VM.
We will now explain in detail how to perform each of these steps
The first thing you need to do is collect C/C++ cmake projects for training and testing the model. You may already have a model (e.g., the ones we provide) and want execute them on new projects as well. The source code to each project should be in a seperate directory (e.g., cmake_proj/
The projects you will be using for training and testing the model will have some labels. To label project cmake_proj/
, you will need to make a file that indicates where the vulnerabilites manifest themselves in the source code. The labels file is a JSON array of objects (e.g., cmake_proj/labels.json
Each object has three keys, filename
, line_number
, and label
The recognized labels are:
CWE | Root Cause Label | Manifestation Label |
121 (Stack Overflow) | declared_buffer |
stack_overflow |
122 (Heap Overflow) | declared_buffer |
heap_overflow |
190 (Integer Overflow | overflowed_variable |
overflowed_call |
191 (Integer Underflow | underflowed_variable |
underflowed_call |
415 (Double Free) | first_free |
second_free |
416 (Use After Free) | freed_variable |
use_after_free |
For example, the labels file might contain:
{"filename": "src/foo.c", "line_number": 27, "label": "declared_buffer"},
{"filename": "src/foo.c", "line_number": 37, "label": "stack_overflow"}
Next, we pass each project through LLAP to generate its ePDG file. A project does not need a label file to be processed.
To generate the ePDG for project cmake_proj/*
, use the configure
option of the hector
tool. For example:
cd ~/cmake_proj
hector configure --llap-lib-dir ~/llvm-project/llvm-build/lib --labels labels.json cmake <path-to-target-in-project> 121 190 415 416
cd hector_build
ninja -f
This will produce four files named hector-{121,190,415,416}.json
. The file hector-190.json
works for both CWE-190 and CWE-191. Similarly, the file hector-121.json
works for both CWE-121 and CWE-122.
Important :warn:: At this point, the workflow splits according to the CWE you are working on. This means that
- you cannot mix different CWEs in the same dataset (the end model must receive files processed for one CWE)
- you must indicate which CWE you are processing in future steps (see later on)
Note π: If you don't know what the target is for your project, then simply run the command with "" as the target. The command will return with a list of options you can use as targets.
Note π: The hector configure
command can be run on many projects in parallel to save time (if you have enough RAM)
Note π: not all projects used for training need to have labels. For example, in the figure above we create a training set by augmenting clean labeless projects from the wild with the Juliet projects which have labels.
Note π: The entire pipeline supports json files compressed using gzip (*.json.gz
). At this point, you can compress your json files to save a significant amount of disk space. All other steps in the pipeline will accept *.json.gz
files and output the same format respectivly.
If you want to make a robust model but only have a few real projects with vulnerabilities, or none at all, then you can perform augmentation. Augmentaton takes the ePDG a real project (assumedly clean of vulnerabilites) and injects labeled vulnerabiles from differnt ePDGs. In our research, we found that the source for can be a sythetic dataset such as Juliet. Doing so expands your training data and helps the model better idenitfy vulnerabilites in the wild. The figure below illustrates how an ePDG is augmented with one example of a labeled vulnerable ePDG.
To augment a single project you will need to collect all of the ePDGs of the labled projects into a single file, one per line. For example, for CWE-121, we can collect samples from the provided Juliet dataset into a single file:
find CWE121/labeled_graphs -name '*.json' | xargs cat > juliet-121-pdgs.nljson
Then, you can augment a project using the hector augmentation
command as follows:
~$ hector augmentation --help
Usage: hector augmentation [OPTIONS] JULIET REAL_WORLD
Augment a real-world program with Juliet vulnerabilities.
For each PDG in REAL_WORLD, random control flow paths between --min-path-
length and --max-path-length are chosen and a vulnerable path from JULIET
is inserted into the control flow split into two parts at the beginning
and end of the chosen path. This continues until there are no more JULIET
examples or until there are no more suitable paths.
You must specify at least one of --inject-positive or --inject-negative
either directly or implicitly via --max-{positive,negative}-injections.
Positive and negative examples are injected with equal probability until
one set is exhausted (or the max for that type is reached). After that,
the other type is injected unconditionally until it is exhausted (or its
max is reached).
--seed INTEGER Random seed for reproducibility.
-o, --output FILE Location where selected paths will be
--min-path-length INTEGER RANGE
Minimum path length to augment
--max-path-length INTEGER RANGE
Maximum path length to augment
--margin INTEGER Minimum graph distance between inserted
--max-positive-injections INTEGER
Maximum number of vulnerable examples to
insert into a single graph (implies
--max-negative-injections INTEGER
Maximum number of not-vulnerable examples to
insert into a single graph (implies
--inject-positive Inject vulnerable examples.
--inject-negative Inject not-vulnerable examples.
--help Show this message and exit.
For example, the following would augment an ePDG of cleanProj/*
with samples from Juliet in ~/juliet-121.nljson
hector augmentation \
--margin 30 --inject-positive --max-positive-injections 1000 \
--seed 5 --min-path-length 3 --max-path-length 30 \
--output hector-121-augmented.json \
~/juliet-121.nljson \
Note π: Augmentation using synthetic labels alone can make an effective model. However, it is always prefferred to add as many real examples of vulnerabiites from the wild as possible.
Now we have a collection of ePDGs one for each project. At this stage we need to extract sub-graphs from each ePDG where each sub-graph captures a potential manifestation point. To do this, we can run the hector preprocess
command on each ePDG. For example, the following command takes in the json of the ePDG for cmake_proj
and outputs a json containing all of its sub-ePDGs.
hector preprocess \
--training-indexes indexes-121.json --source-dir ~/ --cwe 121 \
--output ~/proc_graphs/CWE121/cmake_proj.json \
While processing an ePDG, the tool dynamically builds an index of all the functions and operations found in the code. This index is needed to determine the values of the nominal features for training. The --training-indexes
argument is used to indicate where this file should be saved. If the file already exists then it will be updated. When preprocessing many projects under the same CWE, the same index should be passed to each subsequent call.
Warning hector preprocess
updates the current index.
Tip π: give the filename for the argument --output
the extention json.gz
to have the tool compress the outout for you
At this point you will have multiple sub-graph files, one for each project. To creat a dataset for training or testing, simply concatenate the files you want in each dataset. For example, you can execute
cat ~/proc_graphs/CWE121/*.json > \
Note π: As noted earlier, you can pass hector
json files in gzip format (*.json.gz
). A useful tip is that gz files can be directly concatenated (e.g., run cat *json.gz > dataset.json.gz
Sometimes there are issues in generating the ePDGs. For example, labels are not assigned due mismapping and potential bugs. The hector validate
command check whether a sub-ePDG file (or dataset) is correct and ready for use. The tool will warn you about any graphs with issues that will cause problems further along. The most common issue is that a program might not have any labeled nodes
even if there were labeled lines of source.
There are several reasons this may happen,
but they have to be investigated one at a time.
After validation, the tool outputs the fixed version. Below is an example of how to validate a dataset.
hector validate_data \
--check-labels \
--output ~/proc_graphs/CWE121/combined/dataset_clean.json \
The argument check-labels
can be omitted if the dataset under validation intentionally has no labels (e.g., a project being analyzed during production)
In some cases there may be too many potential manifestation points for the model to handle. In order to avoid severe class imbalance and to make training more efficient, you can down sample the number of negative cases in the data. In this example, we are only retaining 10% of the negatives
hector sample_data --negative 0.1 \
~/proc_graphs/CWE121/combined/dataset_clean.json \
You can also add an argument to downsample the positive cases if needed.
Before training a model, we need to extract some statistics which will help us normalize the data before training. This meta data will be stored in the final model after training.
To extract these parameters use the hector feature_stats
tool. For example
hector feature_stats --indexes ~\indexes-121.json --depth-limit 40 ~/proc_graphs/CWE121/combined/dataset_clean_0.1.json
This will result in a file called feature_stats.npz
which will be written to the local directory.
Now we are finally ready to train a structure2vec model for each CWE dataset that has been prepaired.
There are many options you can supply hector train
to controlling the model's hyperparameters. You can use hector hyperopt
to help you find the best set of parameters.
By running hector train --help
we can see the available options.
$ hector train --help
--device DEVICE Device on which to run.
--indexes FILE File where feature dictionaries are stored.
[default: indexes.json]
--feature-stats FILE File where feature statistics are stored.
[default: feature_stats.npz]
--embedding-dimensions INTEGER RANGE
Dimensionality of graph embedding.
[default: 16]
--embedding-steps INTEGER RANGE
Iterations of embedding algorithm.
[default: 4]
--embedding-reduction [sum|mean|first]
Reduction method to use at end of embedding.
[default: first]
--recursive-depth INTEGER RANGE
Depth of embedding DNN. [default: 2]
--classifier-dimensions INTEGER RANGE
Dimensionality of classifier DNN. [default:
--classifier-depth INTEGER RANGE
Depth of classifier DNN. [default: 2]
--batch-size INT Training batch size [default: 50]
--epochs INT Training epochs [default: 50]
--patience INT Earlystopping Patience [default: 10]
--learning-rate FLOAT Learning rate for Adam optimizer. [default:
--betas <FLOAT FLOAT>... Gradient running average decays for Adam
optimizer. [default: 0.9, 0.999]
--fine-tune Fine-tune an existing model.
--existing DIRECTORY Model path to load (default: same as
--keep-best Keep the best model instead of the last one.
--eager-dataset / --lazy-dataset
Load entire dataset into memory in advance.
[default: True]
The basic command has the following form (for CWE-121):
hector train \
--indexes ~/indexes-121.json \
-- ~/feature_stats.npz
121 \
~/models/CWE121 \
~/proc_graphs/CWE121/combined/trainset_clean_0.1.json \
Once training is complete, the model files will be written to the indicated directory. Note :warn:, the directory must be initially empty or non-existant otherwise the code will halt.
The model serialization format consists of two files:
- a PyTorch weights checkpoint
- a metadata file with additional information needed to make predictions
Note π: The parameters we used in our paper can be found in a txt file next to the provided models (see assets below). Note π: Early stopping is not implimented in this version Note π: If you want to train without a testset, simply use the train set as the test set as well
After training, you can extract statistics, roc plots, and raw predictions in bulk on your test set or other datasets (labeled or unlabled). To do this, use the hector stats
command as follows:
~$ hector stats --help
--device DEVICE Device on which to run.
--batch-size INT Training batch size [default: 50]
--predictions-csv FILE File where CSV prediction information will be
--dump FILE File where outputs will be written.
--source-dir DIRECTORY Directory containing original source files.
--roc-file FILE File where ROC plot will be saved.
--exec-only For making predicitons on data with no labels.
--help Show this message and exit.
For example
hector stats \
--dump CWE121-testset.npz \
--roc-file CWE121-testset_roc.png \
--predictions-csv CWE121-testset.csv \
~/models/CWE121 \
Note π: The csv file contains the predicted scores for every potential manifestation point in unsorted order. There may be duplicate rows since there can be multiple potential manifestaion points (instructions) in a line of source code. Therefore, it is reccommended to perform duplicate elimination (while retaining the highest score from of each set of duplicates).
If you have a trained model in production, you will want to execute it on projects without going through this massive pipeline. All you need to do is use hector lint
on the cmake project with the target model. For example, if you want to check for CWEs 121, 122 and 416 then run hector lint
three times; once for each CWE model. The command is used as follows:
~$ hector lint --help
Lint-check a codebase using HECTOR.
--device DEVICE Device on which to run.
--llap-lib-dir DIRECTORY Directory containing HECTOR opt passes.
[default: /usr/local/lib]
--threshold FLOAT RANGE Decision threshold probability. [default: 0.5]
--top K Show only K most-likely vulnerabilities (per
--output FILENAME File where output will be written. [default: -]
--output-format [lint|csv] Output style [default: lint]
--help Show this message and exit.
By default, output is written to standard output in a lint-like text format.
You can alternatively request CSV output by passing --output-format csv
You can also send the output to a file by passing --output path/to/file
- Each step in this pipeline can be done in parallel on each project except for (5) since each run of the preprocessor requires exclusive access to the shared index file.
has some other useful tools. For example, you can usehector train_test_split
to create a random train/test datasets from a sub-ePDG dataset (e.g., juliet). You can also isehector hyperopt
to use hyperparameter optimization to find the best configuration for your model on your CWE dataset.- The VulChecker pipeline was written for research and not production. This means that there are many ways in which the code can be revised to run faster. For example, the loading of ePDGs is incredibly slow and could be expidited if stored in raw serialized format. In general, the loading and storing of the data to/from disk at each step should be eliminated wherever possible. Other optimizations could be made in model training to limit the amount of data loaded into memory at a time. Also, computing the betweeness centrality measure takes the majority of the time when extracting features (this could be replaced with approximations).
For reproducability, we provide the datasets and models used in our paper. The models are hosted in this repository. The VM and datasets are hosted on OneDrive for the time being.
We provide the cmake projects used in our paper in both source code format, ePDG format, processed as subgraph ePDGs and as the final datasets used to train our models. This data can be accessed via OneDrive: source code and processed graphs
There are two folders, Origional Projects
and Processed Graphs
We provide the source code to both the Juliet and Wild Labeled (Github with CVE) projects.
If a project is labeled then it will contain label.json file in its directory.
The Juliet samples have already gone though some preprocessing. Their directory contains a zip of labeled files from the Juliet dataset. Each directory has the contents of a single CVE and includes labeled graphs produced by llap (labeled_graphs), LLVM IR files (ll_files), preprocessed source files from Juliet (source_files), and labels produced from comments in the source files (source_labels). Files that end in omitgood
correspond to test cases that contain vulnerabilities, while files that end in omitbad
contain no vulerabilities.
We provide the processed graphs (at differnt levels of prerpocessing). These files can be found on OneDrive here The directory contains:
- All of the ePDG files (before and after subgraph processing)
- The paper's final train and test sets (the concatenation of the relevant graphs with downsampling)
- The data nomalization parameters used in the paper on these datasets (feature_stats)
- The indexes used in the paper, from the respective datasets
The data is organized by CWE. C/C++ projects with multiple CWEs will appear in multiple directories (however, they will have been processed by different CWE pipelines). Note, although there are CWE191 samples, they were not included in the paper evalaution -
contains all of the data for CWE<id>
. It also contains the normalization parameters (feature_stats_nd.npz
) and indexes (indexes-190.json
) needed for a model that would be trained on the augmented dataset for this CWE. -
contains the complete ePDGs for each project -
contains a single json with all of the ePDGs in Juliet (one per row) -
contains the ePDGs for the unlabled projects left out of train and test -
contains the ePDGs for graphs that have CVE labels for the CWE<id>
) and that do not have labels for the given CWE (./unabeled
). Some projects in./unlabeled
were not used in the final dataset due to their size or number of potential manifestaion points. These ePDGs are in the subdir./labeled/omitted
contains the ePDGs of augmented graphs. Augmentation is done by taking the juliet ePDGs from/CWE<id>/graphs/juliet
and injecting them into each ePDG in/CWE<id>/graphs/wild/unlabled
contains json files of the processed ePDGs from the preprocessing step (each project is a single json where each line is a subgraph from the origional ePDG). It also contains the final datasets before and after downsampling the number of negative manifestation points. In this dir you will findCWE190_augANDcve.json.gz
which is the final dataset if you inted to train a model on both augmented data and the labeled data (no testset). -
contains the Juliet preprocesed graphs -
contains the augmented projects' preprocesed graphs in both./individual
formats. A json in./combined
is a complete and final dataset for training or testing. The./individual
files are useful if you want to create custom dataset splits among projects or evalaute a specific project alone. -
is the preprocessed graphs from projects that did not have a labels for CVEs for the given CWE. -
is the preprocessed graphs from projects that do have have a labels for CVEs for the given CWE. This data was used as the test set in the paper. -
Files in
have the following format:CWE<id>_*.json.gz
is the complete and origional set of subgraphs from all projects,CWE<id>_*_clean.json.gz
is the same dataset after validation (some subgraphs may have been removed), andCWE<id>_*_clean_<N>_<P>.json.gz
is the subsequent dataset after removing a ratio of<N>
negative and<P>
positive manifestation points (the actual dataset used in the paper).
The models/
directory in this repository contains two set of models
: Models trained on augmented samples only (Juliet mixed into 'clean' GitHub Projects)models/trained_on_aug_and_cve
: Models trained on both augmented samples and CVE samples from Github.
In each of these directories you will find the models organized by CWE (190, 121, 122, 415 and 416). The subdirectories contain one or two different versions of a model trained. For each model, we provide:
: the model itselfparams.txt
: the parameters (full command) used to train this model- csv and npz dump of the performance on the testset (where applicable)
- csv and npz dump of the performance on the holdout set (where applicable)
- roc plots of the evalautions
As mentioned earlier, you can get immediate access to a fully operational VulChecker by downloading our VM. The VM is hosted on OneDrive.
Note π: The VM is not configure to use a GPU so model training and execution may be very slow.
In this section we give low level technical information for those who need to modify or extend parts of the code.
depends on NetworKit,
which uses Cython but doesn't declare that according to PEP 518.
You must have Cython installed before attempting to resolve the NetworKit dependency.
We can work around this by pre-building wheels and
setting the PIP_FIND_LINKS
environment variable:
for py_interp in python3.6 python3.7 python3.8; do
$py_interp -m venv build-env
. build-env/bin/activate
python -m pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
python -m pip install cython cmake
python -m pip wheel -w wheelhouse networkit
rm -rf build-env
export PIP_FIND_LINKS="$PWD/wheelhouse"
You will also need to add a wheel for
to the wheelhouse
Don't forget to set PIP_FIND_LINKS
each time you start a new shell.
With the project cloned and a virtual environment active:
pip install -e .[dev,tests,docs]
You should configure pre-commit to check your code before you commit:
pre-commit install
To run the tests, you will need all supported versions of Python installed. On Ubuntu, you can use the deadsnakes PPA. In other places, you can use pyenv. You can run the automated tests by saying:
hector_ml uses Cython for performance-critical functions.
The Cython files are named _foo.pyx
and should be imported in the corresponding
It's also OK to cimport
the Cython objects from other Cython source files.
When training models,
we discovered that it took a very long time to load the data into memory.
Profiling just the data loading part revealed that
converting the graphs to matrix representation was taking most of the time.
I therefore converted that code (mean_field_from_node_link_data
) to Cython.
The feature_row
function was taking up a plurality of the internal time of that function,
so I reduced the dynamism by creating a "compiled feature" Cython extension class
that remembers the number of columns for each feature
(I call this the feature's "width").
There's a concrete class for each feature kind,
so the dynamic dispatch into the individual handlers
becomes an indirect function call at the C level.
The following features are used to train structure2vec models:
Feature Name | Feature Identifier | Computed By | Comment |
Static Value | static_value |
Operation | operation |
LLAP | |
Basic Function | function |
name of function defined in other compilation unit | |
Output dtype | dtype |
LLAP | |
Part of "if" clause | condition |
LLAP | |
Number of data dependents | def_use_out_degree |
Number of control dependents | control_flow_out_degree |
Betweenness | betweenness |
Distance to manifestation point | distance_manifestation |
Distances to nearest root cause point | distance_root_cause |
Operation of nearest root cause point | nearest_root_cause_op |
HECTOR | call or plurality or uniform random |
Node tag | tag |
LLAP | list-set of {root_cause , manifestation } |
Metadata Description | Metadata Identifier |
Containing function | containing_function |
Source file | file |
Source line | line_number |
Training label | label |
Feature Name | Feature Identifier | Computed By | Comment |
dtype | dtype |
LLAP | |
edge type | type |
Input should be in the node-link JSON format. That looks like this:
"graph": {},
"nodes": [
"id": 0,
"static_value": null,
"operation": "add",
"function": null,
"dtype": "int64",
"condition": false,
"tag": [],
"file": "foo.c",
"line_number": 27,
"containing_function": "foo",
"label": "negative"
"links": [
"source": 0,
"target": 0,
"type": "def_use",
"dtype": "int64"
Every node needs a unique ID in order to match the edges to the nodes.
The unique ID has no semantic meaning,
and so you can simply assign sequential numbers.
The objects for graph
, nodes
, and links
can contain arbitrary additional data.
Only the id
, source
, and target
keys are reserved.
Here are some more notes on the implimentation:
When processing unlabeled input, omit the label
key from the node data.
The graph-structure features (betweenness, distance to manifestation, distance to nearest root-cause, operation of nearest root-cause) are computed in hector's code.
For categorical features, two passes over the data are made: once to find out what all the possible values are, and again to produce one-hot vectors of the appropriate size. That means it doesn't matter what exact values are produced.
Hector specially handles some categorical values.
It recognizes
"tag": ["manifestation"]
and "tag": ["root_cause"]
for producing graph features.
It recognizes
"operation": "call"
for breaking ties on the operation of the nearest root cause.
If those aren't the most natural values, then they can be swapped them out for something else.
For ease of combining multiple outputs into a data set, the JSON should be output in minified form; specifically, it should be on a single line with a trailing newline.
If you use any derivative of the code or datasets from our work, please cite our publicaiton:
title={VulChecker: Graph-based Vulnerability Localization in Source Code},
author={Mirsky, Yisroel and Macon, George and Brown, Michael and Yagemann, Carter and Pruett, Matthew and Downing, Evan and Mertoguno, Sukarno and Lee, Wenke}
booktitle={USENIX Security},
Special thanks to the lead developers: Michael Brown for his work on LLAP and George Macon for his work on hector
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