CrypTool project
- Jena
- simlei.github.io/hi
- Pro
Claude vim plugin for AI pair programming - a hacker's gateway to LLMs
deusaquilus / kmp-awesome
Forked from terrakok/kmp-awesomeAn awesome list that curates the best Kotlin Multiplatform libraries, tools and more.
Material UI 5 for Scala 3 (Slinky and Scalajs-React)
A tutorial and examples of how to write Android apps in Scala 2.13 and Scala 3.
Saving 400 million euro of public health care money from reckless vendors
GitHub Action to setup Vim or Neovim on Linux, macOS and Windows for testing Vim plugins
sbt plugin to deploy code to AWS Serverless Architecture
REScala - distributed and reactive programming embedded in OO and FP programs.
General purpose, covariant, immutable, low overhead, efficient, monadic tree-like data structure with comprehensive API.
Low-latency java socket implementation (using shared memory)
Moodle-DL downloads course content fast from Moodle (eg. lecture pdfs)
ROS overlay for the Nix package manager
Build custom SD images of NixOS for your Raspberry Pi (or any other supported AArch64 device) in 5-20 minutes.
Maven3 plugin that automates the third-party dependency management for Eclipse RCP
Tinder auto-like and auto-message script.
A highly opinionated Cookiecutter template that fuses together Django, Vue.js, GraphQL, and AWS into one full-stack web application.
surround.vim: Delete/change/add parentheses/quotes/XML-tags/much more with ease
Per project/tree configuration plugins
Edit vim registers/macros and lists as buffers.
JenniferBuehler / graspit
Forked from graspit-simulator/graspitThe GraspIt! simulator