- Create a new application using Ruby 2.4, Rails 5.1, PostgreSQL 9.5+
- Create an API controller which will accept an HTTP POST request containing a JSON string. See below for sample JSON.
- Once the API is called from outside of the application persist JSON data in database. Create two resources from the JSON: Ticket and Excavator. Ticket is the main object and Excavator will belong to the Ticket. Attributes for both objects are described below. Use Rails attribute naming conventions and appropriate data types.
Ticket fields:
- RequestNumber
- SequenceNumber
- RequestType
- DateTimes->ResponseDueDateTime
- ServiceArea->PrimaryServiceAreaCode->SACode,
- ServiceArea->AdditionalServiceAreaCodes->SACode
- DigsiteInfo->WellKnownText (can be saved as plain text)
Excavator fields:
- Excavator->CompanyName
- Excavator->Address (full address including city, zip etc)
- Excavator->CrewOnSite
- Add basic index and show views for the tickets and also include excavator data.
- DigsiteInfo-WellKnownText has polygon data which should be plotted on a map.
Things I will be looking for:
- Code cleanliness
- Code structure
- Code diligence
- Test cases
Sample JSON Data
"ContactCenter": "UPCA",
"RequestNumber": "09252012-00001",
"ReferenceRequestNumber": "",
"VersionNumber": "0",
"SequenceNumber": "2421",
"RequestType": "Normal",
"RequestAction": "Restake",
"DateTimes": {
"RequestTakenDateTime": "2011/07/02 23:09:38",
"TransmissionDateTime": "",
"LegalDateTime": "2011/07/08 07:00:00",
"ResponseDueDateTime": "2011/07/13 23:59:59",
"RestakeDate": "2011/07/21 00:00:00",
"ExpirationDate": "2011/07/26 00:00:00",
"LPMeetingAcceptDueDate": "",
"OverheadBeginDate": "",
"OverheadEndDate": ""
"ServiceArea": {
"PrimaryServiceAreaCode": {
"SACode": "ZZGL103"
"AdditionalServiceAreaCodes": {
"SACode": [
"Excavator": {
"CompanyName": "John Doe CONSTRUCTION",
"Address": "555 Some RD",
"City": "SOME PARK",
"State": "ZZ",
"Zip": "55555",
"Type": "Excavator",
"Contact": {
"Name": "Johnny Doe",
"Phone": "1115552345",
"Email": "[email protected]"
"FieldContact": {
"Name": "Field Contact",
"Phone": "1235557924",
"Email": "[email protected]"
"CrewOnsite": "true"
"ExcavationInfo": {
"TypeOfWork": "rpr man hole tops",
"WorkDoneFor": "gpc",
"ProjectDuration": "60 days",
"ProjectStartDate": "2011/07/08 07:00:00",
"Explosives": "No",
"UndergroundOverhead": "Underground",
"HorizontalBoring": "Road, Driveway, and Sidewalk",
"Whitelined": "No",
"LocateInstructions": "locate along the r/o/w on both sides of the rd - including the rd itself - from inter to inter ",
"Remarks": "Previous Request Number:05161-120-011\n\n\t\t\tPrevious Request Number:06044-254-020\n\n\t\t\tPrevious Request Number:06171-300-030",
"DigsiteInfo": {
"LookupBy": "MANUAL",
"LocationType": "Multiple Address",
"Subdivision": "",
"AddressInfo": {
"State": "ST",
"County": "COUNTY",
"Place": "PLACE",
"Zip": "",
"Address": {
"AddressNum": [
"Address 1",
"Address 2"
"Street": {
"Prefix": "",
"Name": "Trinity",
"Type": "Ave",
"Suffix": "SW"
"NearStreet": {
"State": "XX",
"County": "SomeCounty",
"Place": "City",
"Prefix": "",
"Name": "",
"Type": "",
"Suffix": ""
"Intersection": {
"ItoI": [{
"State": "XX",
"County": "FULERTON",
"Place": "NORCROSS",
"Prefix": "",
"Name": "London",
"Type": "St",
"Suffix": "SW"
"State": "ZZ",
"County": "COUNTY",
"Place": "ATLANTA",
"Prefix": "",
"Name": "Jefferson",
"Type": "Ave",
"Suffix": "SW"
"WellKnownText": "POLYGON((-81.13390268058475 32.07206917625161,-81.14660562247929 32.04064386441295,-81.08858407706913 32.02259853170128,-81.05322183341679 32.02434500961698,-81.05047525138554 32.042681017283066,-81.0319358226746 32.06537765335268,-81.01202310294804 32.078469305179404,-81.02850259513554 32.07963291684719,-81.07759774894413 32.07090546831167,-81.12154306144413 32.08806865844325,-81.13390268058475 32.07206917625161))"