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crown prince edited this page Feb 16, 2022 · 8 revisions

Gentoo Linux

I have my own overlay for Gentoo available at github. However, this overlay is extremely experimental so I suggest you just take the app-admin/cvechecker and put it in your own overlay.

Once available in an overlay, you can emerge cvechecker to get the software installed. Next you need to add whatever user you will use for the checks to the cvechecker group:

~# gpasswd -a test cvechecker

Finally, switch to this user, set cvechecker as the primary group, set the umask to 007 and initialize the databases:

~# su test -
~$ newgrp cvechecker
~$ umask 007
~$ cvechecker -i
~$ pullcves pull

The tool is now ready to be used (cfr. documentation).


There is no package for Debian yet, but I am informed that you need to install the libconfig-dev package in order to properly build this tool the manual way.

Arch Linux

For Arch Linux you can find a cvechecker package in AUR, kindly provided by Francesco Colista.


There is no package for FreeBSD yet, but I am informed that you need to install the devel/argp-standalone package in order to properly build this tool the manual way.


There is no package for NetBSD yet, but I am informed that you need to install the argp package in order to properly build this tool the manual way.

Alpine Linux

cvechecker can be installed simply with apk add cvechecker.


cvechecker can be installed simply with dnf install cvechecker.

Manual (any Linux distribution)

If you use a source tarball (as downloadable from this site), extract the tarball.

Make sure that you have the following dependencies installed on your system

sqlite3 libconfig-dev libsqlite3-dev autoconf xsltproc libbsd-dev

If you use the Git build, first run the following command from within the pulled repository location:

~$ autoreconf --force --install 

Next, run the standard configuration directives (change the --enable-* arguments as needed for your system):

~$ ./configure --enable-sqlite3 --enable-mysql
~$ make

Install the binaries and files at the right locations(Maybe requires sudo):

~# make install
~# make postinstall

The make postinstall is needed to correct permissions on directories and create the cvechecker group. It is not part of the regular make install process as not all distributions or users are happy if such changes are made at that phase.

From this point onward, you can follow the instructions as positioned within the documentation (user guide).

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