Architect && Technical Lead
Pick a slot if you'd like to meet me and chat about anything you are passionate about, but make sure to describe the agenda.
const SlavaKonashkov = {
pronouns: "He" | "Him",
code: ["Javascript", "C/C++", "Java", "PHP"],
askMeAbout: ["Architecture", "Tech lead", "Team lead", "Web dev", "Marketing", "SEO"],
technologies: {
backEnd: {
js: ["Node", "Nest.js"],
php: ["Symfony", "Laravel", "Vii", "some legacy…"]
devOps: ["AWS", "Docker🐳"],
MQ: ["RabbitMQ", "Gearman"],
databases: ["MongoDB", "PostgreSql", "MySql", "SQLite", "Elasticsearch", "Redis"],
misc: ["Microservices", "RabbitMQ", "open-cv", "php", "Design Patterns", "DDD",
"TDD", "CSS", "HTML", "UML", "Jira"]
architecture: [
"Monolithic Architecture",
"Microservices Architecture",
"Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)",
"Event-Driven Architecture",
"Serverless Architecture",
"Cloud Architecture",
"Single page applications"
currentFocus: "High Load applications and systems",
funFact: "There are 10 types of people, those who understand binary and those who don't"
Cloud Services:
Programming Languages:
Tools and Services: