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💻 Dev setup for init.lua and plugin development with full signature help, docs and completion for the nvim lua API.


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💻 lua-dev

Dev setup for init.lua and plugin development with full signature help, docs and completion for the nvim lua API.



✨ Features

  • Automatically configures sumneko_lua for your Neovim config and plugin directories
  • EmmyLua library for the nvim lua API for:
    • completion
    • hover docs
    • function signatures
  • properly configures the require path with lua/?.lua and lua/?/init.lua.
  • adds all plugins in opt and start to the workspace so you get completion for all installed plugins
  • properly configure the vim runtime

⚡️ Requirements

  • Neovim >= 0.5.0
  • completion plugin like nvim-cmp

📦 Installation

Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:

use "folke/lua-dev.nvim"
Plug 'folke/lua-dev.nvim'

⚙️ Configuration

lua-dev comes with the following defaults:

  library = {
    enabled = true, -- when not enabled, lua-dev will not change any settings to the LSP server
    -- these settings will be used for your neovim config directory
    runtime = true, -- runtime path
    types = true, -- full signature, docs and completion of vim.api, vim.treesitter, vim.lsp and others
    plugins = true, -- installed opt or start plugins in packpath
    -- you can also specify the list of plugins to make available as a workspace library
    -- plugins = { "nvim-treesitter", "plenary.nvim", "telescope.nvim" },
  -- for your neovim config directory, the config.library settings will be used as is
  -- for plugin directories (root_dirs having a /lua directory), config.library.plugins will be disabled
  -- for any other directory, config.library.enabled will be set to false
  override = function(root_dir, options) end,


🚀 Setup

lua-dev will ONLY change the sumneko_lua settings for:

  • your Neovim config directory
  • any plugin directory (this is an lsp root_dir that contains a /lua directory)

For any other root_dir, lua-dev will NOT change any settings.

-- IMPORTANT: make sure to setup lua-dev BEFORE lspconfig
  -- add any options here, or leave empty to use the default settings

-- then setup your lsp server as usual
local lspconfig = require('lspconfig')

-- example to setup sumneko and enable call snippets
  Lua = {
    completion = {
      callSnippet = "Replace"

Example for setting up lua-dev that overrides the settings for /etc/nixos

-- You can override the default detection using the override function
-- EXAMPLE: If you want a certain directory to be configured differently, you can override its settings
  override = function(root_dir, library)
    if require("lua-dev.util").has_file(root_dir, "/etc/nixos") then
      library.enabled = true
      library.plugins = true

❓ How?

Neovim includes a script to generated the nvim docs. That script also creates message pack files containing all the API metadata in a structured way. Unfortunately these files are not packaged in the releases.

Using the message pack files, I converted all the API data to EmmyLua annotations and make them available for the Sumneko LSP as a workspace library.

🗒️ Limitations

  • vim.fn functions are currently not part of the EmmyLua library since no message pack files are generated. Implemented using vim-lsp
  • function return types are always any, since that information is missing

⭐ Acknowledgment

  • docs for options and functions are based on the work of vim-lsp


💻 Dev setup for init.lua and plugin development with full signature help, docs and completion for the nvim lua API.







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