ReLER, CCAI, Zhejiang University
✉Corresponding Author

📖 For more visual results, go checkout our project page
This repository will contain the official implementation of SIFU.
- [2024/4/5] Our paper has been accepted as Highlight (Top 11.9% of accepted papers)!
- [2024/2/28] We release the code of geometry reconstruction, including test and inference.
- [2024/2/27] SIFU has been accepted by CVPR 2024! See you in Seattle!
- [2023/12/13] We release the paper on arXiv.
- [2023/12/10] We build the Project Page.
- Ubuntu 20 / 18
- CUDA=11.6 or 11.7 or 11.8, GPU Memory > 16GB
- Python = 3.8
- PyTorch = 1.13.0 (official Get Started)
- PyTorch3D (official, recommend install-from-local-clone)
git clone
sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev ffmpeg
conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate sifu
pip install -r requirements.txt
Please download the checkpoint (google drive) and place them in ./data/ckpt
Please follow ICON to download the extra data, such as HPS and SMPL. There may be missing files about SMPL, and you can download from here and put them in /data/smpl_related/smpl_data/.
python -m apps.infer -cfg ./configs/sifu.yaml -gpu 0 -in_dir ./examples -out_dir ./results -loop_smpl 100 -loop_cloth 200 -hps_type pixie
# 1. Register at or
# 2. Download CAPE testset
# evaluation
python -m apps.train -cfg ./configs/train/sifu.yaml -test
# TIP: the default "mcube_res" is 256 in apps/train.