provides Wrap error to your definition error type.
Not use werror
type ApplicationError struct {
level string
code int
msg string
// wrap target error
err error
// call stack information
frame xerrors.Frame
func NewApplicationError(level string, code int, msg string) *ApplicationError {
err := &ApplicationError{
level: level,
code: code,
msg: msg,
err: nil,
frame: xerrors.Caller(1),
return err
// Here is not pointer receiver.
func (e ApplicationError) Wrap(next error) error {
// set wrap error
e.err = next
// set call stack information
e.frame = xerrors.Caller(1)
return &e
func (e *ApplicationError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: code=%d, msg=%s", e.level, e.code, e.msg)
func (e *ApplicationError) Unwrap() error {
return e.err
func (e *ApplicationError) Is(err error) bool {
var appErr *ApplicationError
return xerrors.As(err, &appErr) && e.code == appErr.code
// implement xerrors.Formatter
func (e *ApplicationError) FormatError(p xerrors.Printer) (next error) {
return e.err
// implement fmt.Formatter
// Remove this method from Go 1.13
func (e *ApplicationError) Format(s fmt.State, v rune) { xerrors.FormatError(e, s, v) }
Use werror
type ApplicationError struct {
level string
code int
msg string
// embededd
func NewApplicationError(level string, code int, msg string) *ApplicationError {
err := &ApplicationError{
level: level,
code: code,
msg: msg,
err.WrapError = werror.Wrap(err, nil, 2)
return err
// Wrap wraps next with this error and return a new copy of the error.
// Here is not pointer receiver.
func (e ApplicationError) Wrap(next error) error {
e.WrapError = werror.Wrap(&e, next, 2)
return &e
func (e *ApplicationError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: code=%d, msg=%s", e.level, e.code, e.msg)
func (e *ApplicationError) Is(err error) bool {
var appErr *ApplicationError
return xerrors.As(err, &appErr) && e.code == appErr.code
Usage of your definition error
package main
import (
// Before Go 1.13
werror "github.com/sonatard/werror/xerrors"
// From Go 1.13
// "github.com/sonatard/werror"
var ErrUserNotFound = NewApplicationError("Error", 101, "not found")
func main() {
err := func1()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "caught error: %+v\n", err)
func func1() error {
err := func2()
if err != nil {
return ErrUserNotFound.Wrap(err)
return nil
func func2() error {
// Before Go 1.13
return xerrors.New("func2 error")
// After Go 1.13
// return errors.New("func2 error")
caught error: Error: code=101, msg=not found:
- func2 error: