Tags: spenserblack/steamdown
Toggle v1.0.0-beta.1's commit message
Use `.npmrc` to set auth in publish workflow
Toggle v1.0.0-alpha.1's commit message
v1 Alpha 1
MVP With parsing and rendering.
Toggle v0.2.1's commit message
## Fixed
- Text being unrendered (raw) inside of list items
Toggle v0.2.0's commit message
## Fixed
- Severe performance drop caused by text trailing spoiler tags
## Breaking
### Removed
- Multiline spoilers
Toggle v0.1.3's commit message
## Fixed
- Character escapes (#96 )
- Incorrect documentation
Toggle v0.1.2's commit message
## steamdown
### Fixed
- Binary failing to parse multi-line syntax correctly
## site
### Added
- Footer with version and link to repository
Toggle v0.1.1's commit message
## Fixed
- Rebuild `dist` files on publish
Toggle v0.1.0's commit message
Initial Release
## Added
- Exported default function to parse Markdown to Steam text formatting
You can’t perform that action at this time.