This repository implements a recommendation system for the MovieLens 1M dataset. For more details about the dataset, visit GroupLens.
- artifacts/ - Contains saved model parameters.
- data/ - Stores the MovieLens 1M Dataset in .dat and .pickle formats.
- experiments/ - Jupyter notebooks for exploratory data analysis (EDA), metrics, and model testing.
- src/ - Python package with utilities, metrics, and model implementations.
To set up the Conda environment with all necessary dependencies, run the following command:
conda env create -f environment.yml
If you prefer using pip, you can install requirements them with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To install the project package in an editable state, which allows for dynamic updates to the code without needing reinstallation, use:
python -m pip install -e src
Here's how to use the read_pickles function from the utilities module to load datasets:
from src.utils import read_pickles
df_movies, df_users, df_ratings = read_pickles(path_to_folder)