Releases: stepstone-tech/hnswlib-jna
Releases · stepstone-tech/hnswlib-jna
This version includes some new functions exposed from the native library:
- hasId(id): checks if an id is in the index;
- getData(id): retrieves the array for a specific id;
- computeSimilarity(v1,v2): computes the similarity on the native side taking advantage of SIMD, SS3, AVX instructions (when available);
- markDeleted(id): marks the item "id" as deleted;
- getEf(): returns the value of ef;
- getM(): returns the value of M;
- getEfConstruction: returns the value of efConstruction.
In addition, in QueryTuple, "labels" has been renamed to "ids" which will break a compatibility with previous versions.
This release includes:
- Hnswlib v0.4.0;
- setEf() method exposed in the Index class;
- Bug fix on loading the pre-generated DLL on Windows 10;
- Documentation and examples updates.
Thanks @ashfaq92 for all suggestions. Thanks @yurymalkov and contributors for the new Hnswlib release.