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The original source repository for the pytorch_i3d model and the pre-trained weights under models can be found here. The original LICENSE has been included here.

Train and Test

All four variants (for both RGB and optical flow inputs) can be trained and evaluated using the following command:

python \
  --train_root=/path/to/training_set \
  --train_labels=/path/to/training_labels \
  --validation_root=/path/to/val_set \
  --validation_labels=/path/to/val_labels \
  --test_root=/path/to/test_set \
  --test_labels=/path/to/test_labels \
  --model_path=models/<video_type> \
  --classifier_type=<classifier_type> \
  --video_type=<video_type> \
  --num_classes=4 \
  --batch_size=8 \
  --default_root_dir=logs/ \
  --learning_rate=0.001 \
  --max_epochs=40 \
  --log_every_n_steps=1 \


Select one of the following:

  1. classifier_type=video
  2. classifier_type=multimodal (all three modalities)
  3. classifier_type=FT_only
  4. classifier_type=gripper_only
  5. classifier_type=FTgripper_only
  6. classifier_type=video_FT
  7. classifier_type=video_gripper

For late fusion in each of the following variants, sum the logits from the individual networks at test time to get the final result.


Separately train the following networks

  1. I3D RGB (classifier_type=video, model_path=models/, video_type=rgb)
  2. I3D Flow (classifier_type=video, model_path=models/, video_type=flow)
  3. FT (classifier_type=FT_only)
  4. Gripper (classifier_type=gripper_only)


Separately train the following networks:

  1. I3D RGB+FT+Gripper (classifier_type=multimodal, model_path=models/, video_type=rgb)
  2. I3D Flow (classifier_type=video, model_path=models/, video_type=flow)


Separately train the following networks:

  1. I3D RGB (classifier_type=video, model_path=models/, video_type=rgb)
  2. I3D Flow+FT+Gripper (classifier_type=multimodal, model_path=models/, video_type=flow)


Separately train the following networks for the full versions:

  1. I3D RGB+FT+Gripper (classifier_type=multimodal, model_path=models/, video_type=rgb)
  2. I3D Flow+FT+Gripper (classifier_type=multimodal, model_path=models/, video_type=flow)

The paper also reports results using the classifier_type=video_FT and classifier_type=video_gripper (rows 9 and 10 in Table III).

Robot Type

To limit training to one of the robot types, use the robot_type_trainval argument as follows:

  1. HSR only: robot_type_trainval="Toyota HSR"
  2. Kinova only: robot_type_trainval="Kinova Gen3"

To evaluate only on one of the robot types, use:

  1. HSR only: robot_type_test="Toyota HSR"
  2. Kinova only: robot_type_test="Kinova Gen3"

Task Type

To train and evaluate each handover task separately, use:

  1. Human to Robot Handover only: task_type_trainval="human to robot handover" and task_type_test="human to robot handover"
  2. Robot to Human Handover only: task_type_trainval="robot to human handover" and task_type_test="robot to human handover"

Extract features

The dataset already contains the I3D features for both RGB and optical flow. In case you want to extract them again, use the following commands. All use the I3D model pre-trained on the Kinetics dataset.

Extract features for RGB frames:

python --root /path/to/training_set --model kinetics

Extract features for augmented RGB frames:

python --root /path/to/training_set --model kinetics --augmented

Extract features for optical flow frames:

python --root /path/to/training_set --model kinetics