Current Functionality:
- Yearly Messenger Journey
- Data dashboard
Future Functionality:
- Message Query
- Media Browser
- Conversation Viewer
See here.
Clone this repository,
git clone
then install this project
npm install
then run it
npm start
A overview of simple data visualizations and numbers for the user's use of Messenger in the chosen year. Use the arrow keys on the keyboard or the clickable arrows on the left side to navigate.
Provides more comprehensive data by two parameters: the contact (can be groups) and a date range.
- Leaving the contact blank would do a data query for all contacts comparison to the user.
- Leaving the date range blank would search for the entire chat history for the contact.
- Leaving both blank would get the default page: the history of all contacts of the user's entire history on messenger.
The code is not pretty, but it works. There are a number of things that probably should be more optimized, that will come as I finish more functionalities.
See Dependencies