Discover and play music curated in this radio station's archives.
Development in progress, as of 6.19.2021.
The components of this application:
- webscraping from wumb archives
- using YouTube Data API to find matches to the songs
- automatically playing songs found on youtube
API Key in .env: add a .env
file to frontend/
directory. Inside place the following:
This key can be obtained here.
Start servers: three express servers to run the app:
- port 4000proxy-1/
- port 3004site-mock/
- port 3005
You can do this manually (or TODO - run the setup script in misc/utils/
: or setup.bat).
View Page: Then make a request to frontend to load the page,
By default this should use site-mock server to serve wumb-playlist and yt-search mock results. See "Testing Switches" for how to point this to
v1 architecture:
Access the diagram here
The proxy server allows us to get around CORS-error when fetching the html page from wumb domain.
v2 architecture:
Access the diagram here
In order to limit the outgoing requests to and to youtube api, we point the requests at site-mock
instead which will serve back mock data. This will help preserve our Youtube Data API Quota.
These switches are distributed through the project:
Point scrape request to site-mock: in proxy-1/index.js
lines 16-21:
app.get("/parse", (req, res) => {
// const url = ""
const url = ""
Point the youtube api request to the site-mock in frontend/views/script.hbs
lines 5-20:
// configure testing / dev params
bTesting = true
ytMockURL = ""
testMaxRows = 5
function searchItem(searchStr) {
const bLog = false
const maxResults = 20
let url = ``
if (bTesting) url = ytMockURL
url += `?part=snippet&maxResults=${maxResults}`
url += `&q=${searchStr}`
url += `&type=video&key={{YT_KEY}}`