β¨ Lodash but for Strings!
Stringy is a swiss army knife of string manipulation methods.
Designed to ace string manipulation, a crucial aspect in many applications. It's a go to tool for formatting user-generated content, ensuring uniformity in blogs or comments. E-commerce sites use it to enhance product descriptions for SEO and readability. Data analysts find it invaluable for cleaning datasets, like trimming whitespace or standardizing formats.
Install stringy-core package and watch your strings do backflips:
npm install stringy-core
Or if you're more of a yarn person:
yarn add stringy-core
Got numbers hiding in your text? We'll find them. It's like hide and seek, but with digits.
import { extractNumbers } from "stringy-core";
const text = "Order 500 units of item 1234.";
const numbers = extractNumbers(text); // Found them! [500, 1234]
Ever wonder if your brackets are socially balanced? Let's find out together.
import { isBalancedBrackets } from "stringy-core";
const validString = "(Hello [World])";
const isValid = isBalancedBrackets(validString); // True, these brackets are in harmony
Run a user data centric app? Give your id's a subtle disguise. You choose the disguise. We cover emails, phones, and cards!
const email = "[email protected]";
const maskedEmail = maskEmail(email, "*"); // Use '*' for disguise
const dashedEmail = maskEmail(email, "-"); // Use '-' for disguise
console.log(maskedEmail); // 'u***@e******.com'
console.log(dashedEmail); // '[email protected]'
Ensure your text stays in the safe zone with moderate. This function is like the diligent editor of your strings, replacing those not-so-appropriate words with a mask of your choice, ensuring every sentence is audience-friendly.
import { moderate } from "stringy-core";
const originalText = "Stringy is awesome but some words need moderation.";
const wordsToCensor = ["awesome", "moderation"];
const safeText = moderate(originalText, wordsToCensor, "*");
console.log(safeText); // 'Stringy is a****** but some words need m*********.'
Give your text the royal treatment β each word's first letter ascends to its uppercase throne.
import { toTitleCase } from "stringy-core";
const humbleText = "i am stringy";
const titled = toTitleCase(humbleText); // "I Am Stringy"
Give your string a neat trim, because everyone loves a well-groomed text.
import { trimWhitespace } from "stringy-core";
const messy = " Too much space? ";
const neat = trimWhitespace(messy); // "Too much space?"
Wrap your text neatly with wordWrap, the function that ensures your strings never spill out of their bounds. Ideal for crafting perfectly formatted paragraphs, be it in a console, an article, or anywhere text needs to stay within the lines.
const longText =
"This is a long string that needs to be wrapped at a specific width.";
const wrappedText = wordWrap(longText, 20);
// Output:
// This is a long
// string that needs
// to be wrapped at a
// specific width.
trims your string to the desired length and tastefully tops it off with an ellipsis (...) and a custom ending, hinting there's more for the eager reader.
import { shorten } from "stringy-core";
const blog =
"Meet Stringy, the latest JavaScript library designed to revolutionize how we handle strings. Whether you're a seasoned developer";
const shortened = shorten(blog, 40, "
// "Meet Stringy, the latest JavaScript library designed to ...Read More"
Create a custom string with a sprinkle of unpredictability. Perfect for generating unique IDs, playful codes, or testing your apps with diverse inputs.
import { randomString } from "stringy-core";
const desiredLength = 10;
const characters =
const uniqueString = randomString(desiredLength, characters); // Example: 'A1b2C3d4E5' (actual output will vary)
Dive into a world where each call brings a surprise, tailor-made just for you! π²β¨π‘
a treasure hunt in your strings, where you discover the hidden postions of your sought-after substrings.
import { findPositions } from "stringy-core";
const narrative = "Echoes in the echoes in the echoes";
const echoLocations = findPositions(narrative, "echoes"); // [0, 14, 28]
Spruce up your digits with formatNumber β it's like a spa day for your numbers, turning them from plain to absolutely fabulous, all dressed up with commas and style.
import { formatNumber } from "stringy-core";
const largeNumber = 1234567;
const beautifiedNumber = formatNumber(largeNumber); // "1,234,567"
Step into the time machine with formatDateTime. Transform dates and times from mundane to meaningful, showcasing them in a format that speaks to humans, not just machines.
import { formatDateTime } from "stringy-core";
const eventTimestamp = new Date("2023-07-21T19:30:00");
const formattedDateTime = formatDateTime(eventTimestamp); // "July 21, 2023, 7:30 PM"
Navigate the tightrope of syntax with isBalancedBrackets. It's like a gymnast gracefully ensuring every leap has a landing β every open bracket finds its closing match.
import { isBalancedBrackets } from "stringy-core";
const codeSnippet = "{[()]}";
const isBalanced = isBalancedBrackets(codeSnippet); // true
Measure the steps between strings with levenshteinDistance. It's like having a pedometer for your text, counting the edits required to transition from one string to another.
import { levenshteinDistance } from "stringy-core";
const stringA = "kitten";
const stringB = "sitting";
const editDistance = levenshteinDistance(stringA, stringB); // 3
: Capitalizes the first letter of a string.camelCase
: Converts a string to camel case.snakeCase
: Converts a string to snake case.toAlternateCase
: Converts a string to alternate case (e.g., "hElLo WoRlD").capitalizeFirstLetter
: Capitalizes the first letter of each word in a string.toTitleCase
: Converts a string to title case.invertCase
: Inverts the case of each character in a string.reverseString
: Reverses the characters in a string.isBlank
: Checks if a string is blank or consists only of whitespace.truncate
: Shortens a string to a specified length and adds an ellipsis.countVowels
: Counts the number of vowels in a string.findPositions
: Finds all occurrences of a substring and returns their indices.formatNumber
: Formats a number within a string for readability.formatDateTime
: Formats a date and time string into a more readable format.isBalancedBrackets
: Checks if brackets in a string are balanced.levenshteinDistance
: Calculates the Levenshtein distance between two strings.toggleCase
: Toggles the case of each character in a string.sliceString
: Extracts a portion of a string.toUpperCase
: Converts a string to uppercase.toLowerCase
: Converts a string to lowercase.countWords
: Counts the number of words in a string.highlightPattern
: Highlights occurrences of a pattern within a string.shuffleString
: Randomizes the order of characters in a string.matchesPattern
: Checks if a string matches a regular expression pattern.spliceString
: Modifies a string by removing, replacing, or inserting characters.
Got ideas? Tricks up your sleeve? Join the _S circus! Fork the repo, make your feature branch, and let the pull requests fly!
Check out our contribution guide for more details.
This code is freer than a string in the wild. Check out [appropriate license name] for the details.
Running into strings attached? Let us know! Open an issue or send a pull request. We're here to untangle the mess.