- Continue to maintain the Lock module (@matyhtf)
- Add zpopmin and zpopmax for Redis 5 (#2684) (@ruesin)
- Remove Http\Client global buffer in kernel (@twose)
- Support ppc32/ppc64/s390x arch (#2692) (@matyhtf)
- Support SSL context options for php_stream (#2717) (@twose)
- Support multi-threading (libswoole) (@matyhtf)
- Support SSL shutdown (#2717) (@twose)
- Fixed bug: call Request->rawContent/getData after Response->end (b989ba9) (@twose)
- Fixed OpenSSL protocol version check (c89e56f) (@twose)
- Fixed bug: MySQL double free when io error occurred (d62d543) (@twose)
- Fixed Http2 Client null pointer (537557d) (@twose)
- Fixed HTTP2 SSL settings (#2725) (@twose)
- Fixed DNS errno (@matyhtf)
- Fixed mem invalid read with fgets (5dc0670) (@matyhtf)
- Fixed swoole_async_dns_lookup_coro (b9caf5d) (@matyhtf)
- Fixed ManagerStop failed (7977fab) (@matyhtf)