- Support max_request_grace (#2784) (#2808) (#2809) (@sshymko)
- Add SameSite Cookie (@2815) (@Yurunsoft)
- Support curl_multi_getcontent, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER for curl hook, add ignore options (#2817) (@2818) (@2819) (@limingxinleo)
- Support CURLOPT_SSLVERSION and CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT (f2b4c93) (@matyhtf)
- AIO thread safe (@matyhtf)
- Optimize numeric type conversion (aa20913) (@twose)
- Compatibly with diseval extension for library (8b7eb16) (@GXhua)
- Fixed missing http headers (#2786) (@doubaokun)
- Defensive programming for signal callback (@twose)
- Fixed getProcess memory error (#2801) (@matyhtf)
- Fixed compilation on MacOS (@matyhtf)
- Fixed Coroutine\System methods (97c1444) (@twose)
- Fixed AIO thread task stuck (@matyhtf)
- Fixed HTTP2 HEADER_TABLE_SIZE (@twose)
- Fixed spurious waking of socket (d0b659a) (@matyhtf)