Check out the Demo, hosted on Netlify
- ASTRO + Typescript - Astro is the all-in-one web framework designed for speed.
- Tailwind CSS + Tailwind-Merge + clsx - Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework.
- Tabler Icons - A open source SVG icons.
- Eslint - ESLint is an open source project that helps you find and fix problems.
- Prettier - Code formatter.
- Search Library - Static search library integration.
- Motion - Motion One is the smallest fully-featured animation library for the web.
- β Minimal styling
- β Mobile responsive
- β 100/100 Lighthouse performance
- β SEO-friendly with canonical URLs and OpenGraph data
- β Sitemap support
- β RSS Feed support
- β Markdown & MDX support
- β Syntax highlighting
- β Image optimization
- β Table of contents
- β Dark mode
- β Reading Time
- β Pagefind static search library integration
- β Related posts
- β Share posts (Linkedin, twitter)
- β Draft mode (new)
- β Copy code block (new)
- β Add post author
- β Add customization with colors
- β Add Pagination
- β Add filters for reading time, date...
- β Improve design of the navigation bar and footer
- β More sharing options
- β Internationalization (i18n)
Recommended extensions for VSCode:
- Clone or fork the repository:
[email protected]:danielcgilibert/blog-template.git
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Run the development server:
npm dev
- Edit the configuration file src/data/site.config.ts for the basic blog metadata.
- Update the astro.config.mjs file at the root of the project with your own domain.
- Modify the files in the /public folder:
- favicon
- robots.txt -> update the Sitemap url to your own domain
- open-graph -> the open-graph is the image that will be displayed when sharing the blog link. For posts, the preview image is the post cover.
- Edit the social networks in the Header component - src/components/Header.astro, change the URL to your social network.
To add a new category to your blog, simply go to the src/data/categories.ts file and add it to the array.
export const CATEGORIES = [
'new category here' <---
] as const
π¨ Zod checks whether the category is not correctly written or does not exist in the properties of the markdown document. It will throw an error when building the application. π¨
Adding a post is as simple as adding a .md or .mdx file to the blog folder at the path src/content/blog. The filename will be used to create the slug/URL of the page.
For example, if you have a file named, it will be transformed into:
To activate draft mode, add the property draft: true to the file, and it will no longer be displayed on the blog.
Example :
title: MacBook Pro 2022
description: 'The new MacBook Pro 2022 is here. With the Apple M2 chip, a new design, and more, the new MacBook Pro is the best laptop Apple has ever made.'
pubDate: 'Jul 02 2022'
heroImage: '../../assets/bg.jpg'
category: 'Category 1'
tags: ['JavaScript', 'css', 'HTML5', 'GitHub']
draft: true <---
- Title
- Description
- pubDate
- heroImage (post cover)
- category (Choose a category from src/data/categories.ts)
- draft (no need to include it, by default it's false)
- tags
The schema for posts is located at src/content/config.ts. You can modify any parameter, for example, by adding a maximum of 80 characters for titles: title: z.string().max(80). For more information, refer to the zod documentation.
All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:
Command | Action |
npm install |
Installs dependencies |
npm run dev |
Starts local dev server at localhost:3000 |
npm run build |
Build your production site to ./dist/ |
npm run preview |
Preview your build locally, before deploying |
npm run format:check |
Check code format with Prettier |
npm run format |
Format codes with Prettier |
npm run sync |
Generates TypeScript types for all Astro modules. Learn more. |
npm run lint |
Lint with ESLint |
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